
Professor Adam Finn is based in Bristol’s Children Vaccine Centre where his focus is on infectious diseases and immunology. His particular specialism is on vaccines for children: how they work and, in particular, how immunisation schemes can impact the transmission of infections. Professor Finn leads the Bristol COVID Emergency Research Group, UNCOVER, which pools the combined expertise of researchers to understand and combat the many health and societal challenges raised by COVID-19. He also chairs the WHO European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation and he is a member of the UK Department of Health’s Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation.

1980 - MSc Medical Sciences and History of Art, University of Cambridge 
1983 - MD Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Oxford

Member of the British Society for Immunology
Member of the British Inflammation Research Association 
Member of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases

2009 - Bill Marshall Award, European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, 
2010 - Sparks Children’s Medical Research Charity, Excellence in Medical Research Award, 
2015 - Clinical Excellence Award NHS, UK Dept Health (Gold)


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Global experts urge everyone to talk about COVID-19 vaccines responsibly

A team of renowned scientific experts has joined forces from across the world to help fight the spread of misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines, which hold the key to beating the deadly pandemic and releasing countries from debilitating lockdown restrictions.
06-Jan-2021 07:55:04 AM EST

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