Bioimaging, Chemistry, cryo-EM, Protein, transmission electron microscopy
Dr. James Evans is a Chemist with the Structural Biology team. He supports the electron microscopy capabilities and develops new technologies and methods for in situ and dynamic multiscale and multimodal bioimaging. He oversees the operation of the cryo-transmission electron microscope (Krios G3i) with direct electron detector for structural biology applications. He is also integrating two Class IV pulsed lasers with a dual aberration corrected JEOL 2200FS to create a new dynamic transmission electron microscope, or DTEM, in the EMSL Quiet Wing. This unique instrument will enable pump-probe, high-resolution electron microscopy on the nanosecond to microsecond timescales to visualize biological macromolecular dynamics in real-time.
Bioimaging, Optical Imaging, Surface Science
Dr. Scott Lea is the team lead for the Structural Biology team. He provides scientific and technical expertise and leadership, strategy, and scientific productivity of the bioimaging and microscopy capabilities and the Quiet Wing for advanced microscopy.
Lea has more than 25 years of experience with research related to surface science and optical imaging. His focus areas are related to applying scanning probe, optical, and surface science tools to the study of biomolecules at surfaces, organic-inorganic interfaces, and geochemical processes. He oversees activities and instrumentation in the scanning probe microscopy laboratories and has led the development of a high-pressure atomic force microscope for in-situ imaging of geochemical transformations in supercritical CO2. Dr. Lea has also collaborated with the Raschke group at the University of Colorado Boulder/JILA on the development of a scanning infrared near-field optical microscope for high spatial resolution chemical imaging. He was the principal investigator (PI) on a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Biological and Environmental Research (BER) project in the Bioimaging Technologies program developing multimodal chemical imaging instrumentation based on near-field scanning probe methods to study microbial interactions (2017-2019) and is currently the PI on a multimodal, multiscale imaging project in the DOE/BER Bioimaging Science program (2019-2021). These projects focus on developing a capability to help in the understanding of metabolic connections in plant and microbial systems across scales.