Education Policy, sociology of education
Jeanne Powers is an expert in the sociology of education, and educational policies and politics. Her research focuses on school segregation, school choice and school finance litigation. Powers also uses administrative data to analyze teacher retention patterns in Arizona while focusing on the differences in employment outcomes for charter school and traditional public school teachers. Powers is an associate professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Her AERA Review award winning work has been published in various educational publications such as Review of Research in Education, American Educational Research Journal and Equity and Excellence in Education.
Associate Professor CCPA Social Work
Binghamton University, State University of New Yorkcommunity schools, School Reform, social work education, sociology of education, urban education
Dr. Kathleen Provinzano is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership. She teaches research methods and design, education policy, and education leadership courses in the PhD, EdD, and MS programs. Dr. Provinzano’s research interests are associated with urban comprehensive school reform specifically, full-service community school strategies, leadership dynamics in full-service community schools, the influence of integrated student supports on student learning and behavior outcomes in community schools, and the reciprocal influence of community school programming on local neighborhoods. Her research has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals such as Urban Education, Educational Administration Quarterly, Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk (JESPAR), Leadership and Policy in Schools, School Science and Math Journal, High School Journal, and Mid-Western Educational Researcher. In addition to journal publications, Dr. Provinzano has co-authored multiple book chapters examining the impact of community school programming on indicators of high school and college readiness for middle school immigrant and refugee youth (IRY). For a more detailed description of Dr. Provinzano’s research, teaching, and service accomplishments, please refer to her faculty webpage at