
Expert Directory - Entomology

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Daniel Pavuk, PhD

Professor of Biological Sciences

Bowling Green State University

Biodiversity, Cicadas, Ecology, Entomology, Insects, Mosquito

Dr. Daniel Pavuk's is a teaching professor of Biological Sciences at Bowling Green State University. His research interests are in insect biodiversity, parasitoid and predatory arthropod communities, conservation biological control, and ecology of insect vectors of pathogens. The ecology of insect parasitoids and predatory arthropods, and how these organisms structure phytophagous insect communities, are particularly interesting to Dr. Pavuk. His research emphasis has been primarily in agricultural ecosystems, including studies of population and community ecology of insects within those systems. Dr. Pavuk holds a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University.

Arthropods, Beetles, Bioinspiration, bioinspired design, brochosomes, Cicada, Cicadas, Dragonflies, Entomology, Flies, Insects, integrative biology, Leafhopper, Materials Science, mechanical systems, Physiology

Marianne Alleyne is a researcher at the , an assistant professor of entomology at the , and is affiliated with the Illinois Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering. Her research group, the Alleyne Bioinspiration Collaborative, or ABCLab, uses a variety of insects as inspiration for the novel design of materials and mechanical systems. 

Alleyne is a past president of the Entomological Society of America. She is also regularly featured on news outlets like  and . 

Research Interests:

  • Insect physiology
  • Physiology

  • Bioinspiration

  • Bioinspired design

The ABC Lab is broadly interested in what structures and systems in nature (specifically those found in arthropods) can help us more efficiently design novel technologies. We rely on fundamental scientific data to inform the bioinspired design process. Our focus is on multi-functionality of insect wings (cicadas, flies, dragonflies, beetles) and insect associated structures (leafhopper brochosomes). We also study the clicking mechanism of click beetles.


  • B.A., integrative biology, University of California, Berkeley, 1991
  • M.S., entomology, University of California, Riverside, 1995

  • Ph.D., entomology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000

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