
Expert Directory - political violence

Showing results 1 – 2 of 2

Tom Smith, LLB, PhD

Senior Lecturer in International Relations

University of Portsmouth

Insurgency, political violence, Terrorism, transnational criminal groups

Tom is a Lecturer in International Relations for the University of Portsmouth based at the Royal Air Force College Cranwell. He specializes in terrorism, political violence, and insurgencies with a focus on Southeast Asia but more broadly on jihadist (al Qaeda, ISIS, etc.) and political violence related to transnational Islam. He has fieldwork experience in Mindanao in the Philippines and Southern Thailand and is regularly asked by development, conflict and governmental organizations to contribute to research design, project planning and for advice. A former Visiting Lecturer at De La Salle University in Manila, Tom has worked across Asia in conflict environments for NGOs, charities and IGOs. Tom is best known on an international basis for his expertise on the Abu Sayyaf Group in the Southern Philippine province of Mindanao but has also become perhaps one of the UKs most recognised authorities on Filipino politics and Filipino foreign affairs.

Alex Christoyannopoulos

Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations

Loughborough University

French politics, political violence, Terrorism, UK politics

Alex  is an expert in politics and international relations. He frequently comments on current affairs (especially terrorism), has written for The Conversation, and runs a website where he publishes teaching material and musings on the news.  

Showing results 1 – 2 of 2
