Climate Change, Deforestation, Ecology, Ecosystem, Environment, Forest, Remote Sensing, Trees, woodlands
Dr Tommaso Jucker is a NERC Independent Research Fellow and Lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences, where he leads the Selva Lab. His research explores the processes that shape the structure, diversity and function of the world’s forests, with a view of predicting how these will respond to rapid environmental change and how this in turn will impact society. To tackle these questions, Dr Jucker and his team at Selva Lab use a range of approaches, including manipulative experiments, long-term field observations, and cutting-edge remote sensing and modelling. Dr Jucker's core projects include exploring how logging and forest degradation associated with oil palm expansion impact the resilience of Borneo’s tropical forests to drought, investigating how forest dynamics shape the 3D structure of the world’s forest canopies, and mapping the distribution of old-growth woodlands in Australia’s iconic Great Western Woodlands to guide their conservation and restoration. Dr Jucker has published over 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including ones in Science, Nature, PNAS, Ecology Letters and Global Change Biology. His research is currently funded by NERC, The Royal Society and The Leverhulme Trust. Education 2009 - BSc Biological Sciences, University of Roma Tor Vergata, 2010 - MSc Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, Imperial College, London, 2015 - PhD Forest Ecology, University of Cambridge Affiliations 2017 - present - Associate Editor for Journal of Ecology and Associate Editor for Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 2018 - present - Review Editor for Frontiers in Forests and Global Change Accomplishments 2015 - Harper Prize, highly commended for best paper by young author in Journal of Ecology, 2016 - President’s Prize for best presentation at the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society’s annual conference, 2017 - Australian Academy of Science Travel Award, 2019 - NERC Independent Research Fellowship, 2020 - British Ecological Society Founders Prize (This award commemorates the enthusiasm and vision of the Society's founders and is awarded each year to an outstanding early-career ecologist who is starting to make a significant contribution to their field).
Assistant professor
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignAgricultural Economics, agricultural policy, Brazil, Brazil economy, Deforestation, Econometrics, Water Quality
is an economist at the nexus of agriculture and the environment. She studies crop and livestock production in the U.S. and the Brazilian Amazon from many angles, including water pollution, deforestation, intensification, and climate change. She combines rigorous economic analysis and extensive field research to thoughtfully address complex challenges.
More information: Dr. Skidmore is an applied economist studying the interaction between policy, agriculture, and the environment. Her research focuses on how market-based and public agricultural policy in the United States and the Brazilian Amazon influence farmer behavior. She uses this lens to study indirect policy effects on the environment, including deforestation, GHG emissions, and water quality. She approaches these questions by combining econometric methods, big data, extensive field work, and collaboration with interdisciplinary partners in the U.S. and Brazil. She earned a master's at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and a doctorate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Please see Dr. Skidmore's .
Affiliations: Dr. Skidmore is an assistant professor in the in the (ACES) at the .