
Expert Directory - Political Communication Expert

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Whitney Phillips, PhD, MFA

Assistant Professor, Digital Platforms and Ethics

University of Oregon

Media Ethics, Midterm Elections, Midterms, Political Communication, Political Communication Expert

Journalism professor Whitney Phillips studies where political communication, interpersonal communication, and information dysfunction collide. Her research shows that, while we need to be plugged into the news cycle, we also need to consider issues of citizen wellbeing and mental health, since nothing shuts down engaged citizenship faster than stress and overwhelm. Equally critical is interpersonal communication; According to her research, we need to focus on strategies for having difficult conversations about issues that make us angry and people we fundamentally disagree with. 

Regina Lawrence, PhD

Associate Dean, School of Journalism and Communication, Portland; Research Director, Agora Journalism Center

University of Oregon

Civic Engagement, Local News, Political Communication Expert, Voting Behavior

Regina Lawrence is a nationally recognized academic expert in civic engagement, journalism innovation, political communication and gender and politics. Her latest report which she co-authored, "Assessing Oregon’s Local News & Information Ecosystem 2022," focuses on the role of local news in the civic health of communities. Lawrence is associate dean of the School of Journalism and Communication in Portland and research director for the Agora Journalism Center. Regina wrote a book about Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. She is currently the editor of the journal Political Communication. She can also speak to how candidates and reporters use social media as well as the current controversies over police use of force.

Showing results 1 – 2 of 2
