Director, Cleantech Engineering Services
Southern ResearchBiofuels, Clean Fuel, clean technology, Energy Storage, Energy technology, environmental technologies, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Renewable Energy, sustainable technology
Tim Hansen, P.E., has 20 years of experience in management of environmental and energy technology development and demonstration and multimedia environmental engineering. In his role as director of Cleantech Engineering Services for E&E, he is responsible for development and operation of a regional office focused on research, development, and demonstration of innovative energy, environmental, and sustainable technologies. Hansen’s primary technical focus has been the development and management of large technology evaluation programs in the advanced energy, transportation, and climate change areas – focusing on clean vehicles and fuels, energy efficiency technologies, and renewable energy systems. His chief interests have focused on technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide economic benefits to users. Hansen’s group also focuses on developing innovative solutions and intellectual property in the areas of biofuels, sustainable chemistry, energy storage, and chemical process technology for production of cleaner fuels and chemicals. Prior to Southern Research, Hansen worked as an environmental consultant, seeking improved environmental performance and regulatory compliance for industrial clients. He has a master’s degree in engineering from the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Virginia. He is also a Registered Professional Engineer.
William D. Hacker Chair of Management Strategy
Thunderbird School of Global ManagementBusiness, business administration, Energy, Energy Security, Free Trade, Global Business, International Development, International Trade, oil and gas, Oil And Gas Exploration, Oil And Gas Production, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development, Trade
Kannan Ramaswamy is the William D. Hacker Chair Professor of Management in global business at Thunderbird School of Global Management. He is world-renowned for his expertise on global strategy, emerging markets – including India and South Asia, the energy sector, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, and global management. A native of India who is now a U.S. citizen, Ramaswamy has consulted for several U.S. and European multinationals. He is an award-winning executive educator whose teaching and research interests span emerging market multinationals, business groups and corporate diversification, mergers and acquisitions, privatization, and joint ventures. In addition to teaching in Thunderbird’s full-time programs, Ramaswamy teaches extensively in the school’s executive education programs. He has participated in programs with multinational companies including American Express, EDS Corp. (now part of Hewlett-Packard Co.), Dow Chemical, General Motors, Mattel, Brasil Telecom, Delta Air Lines, Astellas Pharmaceutical (Japan), LG Electronics (Korea), Ericsson, Motorola, ExxonMobil, Baker Hughes, ONGC (India), Integra (Russia), and SK Corp. (Korea). Ramaswamy also directs several Thunderbird programs including the program on Globalization: Merging Strategy with Action that deals with global strategy issues, and the Advanced Management Program for Oil and Gas Industry Executives dealing with contemporary issues in oil and gas. Ramaswamy’s research – which has appeared in distinguished journals including Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Journal, Management International Review, Journal of Management and Journal of Business Research – focuses on a broad range of topics: challenges facing emerging market multinationals, the performance impact of corporate diversification; competitive consequences of privatization; the role of strategic fit in mergers and acquisitions; and equity vs. operational-control issues in joint ventures. Much of his recent research in these areas has centered on emerging markets. Ramaswamy’s work has been featured among the best papers at these prestigious national meetings eight times; his work was chosen “best paper” twice at the Academy of Management national meetings. As a faculty member at the academic institutions he has served, Ramaswamy has won numerous awards for research excellence. A member of the Board of Reviewers of the Journal of International Business Studies and the editorial board of the Journal of International Management, and the Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Dr. Ramaswamy has also served as guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Operations Management on “knowledge offshoring.” With Thunderbird professor Andrew Inkpen, Ramaswamy co-authored the book Global Strategy: Creating and Sustaining Advantage across Borders published by the Oxford University Press. Education Ph.D. Strategic Management, Virginia Tech M.B.A. University of Madras, India B.S. Physics, University of Madras, India
Research Faculty, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center
University at Albany, State University of New YorkAtmospheric Sciences, Meteorology, Renewable Energy
Research Interests As part of the Boundary Layer Meteorology and Renewable Energy Groups at ASRC, my main research focus is on renewable energy and atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) processes. This includes work on improving wind and solar power production forecasting, outage prediction modeling applications, developing instrumentation and improving modeling approaches for offshore wind energy, and using ASRC modeling and observational assets to better understand weather and climate influences on our renewable energy resource. A principal tool for my observational work is a Leosphere Windcube 100S scanning LiDAR. Of great value for my research is continuing collaboration with colleagues at ASRC, the New York State Mesonet, the Center of Excellence for Weather and Climate Analytics, and working with a very talented group of graduate students. My previous work in the private sector (with Atmospheric Information Services and Envirolaw, companies I founded, and AWS Truepower, as Lead Research Scientist) included serving as a lead Principal Investigator for the first Wind Forecasting Improvement Project (WFIP), a three-year Department of Energy (DOE)/National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) study to demonstrate the value of additional atmospheric observations and model enhancements on wind energy production forecasts, the development of the Solar Wind Integrated Forecast Tool (SWIFT), a state-of-the-art forecasting service for Hawaii´s electric utilities, and a LiDAR-based study of the 3D wind field over Cranberry Lake in New York’s Adirondack Mountains, and developing an early roadmap for the legal and regulatory review of offshore wind energy projects in US coastal waters.
RIPE Project Director, Ikenberry Endowed Chair of Plant Biology and Crop Sciences
Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE) ProjectBiotechnology, Modeling, Modeling And Simulation, Photosynthesis, Plant Biology, Plant Genetics, Plant Science, Renewable Energy
Steve Long has served as Principal Investigator and Director of the Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE) Project since its inception in 2012. He is the Ikenberry Endowed Chair of Plant Biology and Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois. Steve's research has increased our understanding of how global climate change is affecting plants and how photosynthetic efficiency in crops may be improved to effect sustainable yield increases. His expertise ranges from plant molecular biology and mathematical modeling to in silico crop design and field analyses of the impacts of atmospheric change and transgenic modifications of photosynthesis on crop performance. Steve is also the director of Renewable Oil Generated with Ultra-productive Energycane (ROGUE) He served as Deputy Director of the UC Berkeley-U Illinois-BP Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI) until 2012. He is Founding and Chief Editor of Global Change Biology, of GCB Bioenergy and of in silico Plants. Steve was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 2013 and as a Member of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America in 2019. He has been recognized by Thomson Reuters/Clarivate as a highly cited researcher in Plant and Animal Sciences in every year from 2005 to 2021. His work has been published in more than 400 peer-reviewed journals, including Nature and Science. He has been recognized with many awards, including the Marsh Award for Climate Change Research from the British Ecological Society, the Kettering Award from the American Society of Plant Biologists, the Innovation Award from the International Society for Photosynthesis Research and the Graduate Student Mentoring Award of the University of Illinois. He served as the Newton-Abraham Visiting Professor at Oxford University, UK, where he retains a Visiting Professorship. He has given briefings on food security and bioenergy to President George W. Bush at the White House, to the Vatican, and to Bill Gates. He earned his bachelor’s in agriculture from Reading University and his doctorate in plant sciences from Leeds University.
HVAC, Renewable Energy
Altaii teaches classes in Energy Issues, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer.
Altaii research focuses on energy and environmental sustainability, energy monitoring and conservation, and extracting water out of air.
Altaii earned a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at University of Baghdad, a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering at City College of the City University of New York and a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at The City University of New York.
Engineering And Technology, International Education, Renewable Energy
Altaii teaches classes in Energy Issues, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer.
Altaii research focuses on energy and environmental sustainability, energy monitoring and conservation, and extracting water out of air.
Altaii earned a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at University of Baghdad, a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering at City College of the City University of New York and a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at The City University of New York.