Professor of Physiology - University of South Dakota
American Physiological Society (APS)Cardiovascular, Endocrinology, Renal
Bio: Born Hanover, NH, B.A. Chemistry Duke University 1972, PhD Physiology, University of Minnesota 1981, postdoc Pulmonary Medicine, UCLA 1980-1986, faculty USD School of Medicine 1986-present Teaching Interests: physiology (both basic and advanced), introductory biology for future elementary teachers, biomedical ethics, teaching fundamentals for graduate students, membrane transport, nerve and muscle physiology, XDIS, FYE Research Interests: how to improve student learning using innovative and active pedagogy, review articles of scientific concepts for the lay public Education: Ph D, physiology, University of Minnesota, 1981 BA, chemistry, Duke University, 1972 Grants: SD BRIN Bridge Funding, National Institutes of Health. (2014 - 2015) SPURA - Summer Program for Undergraduate Research in Addiction, NIH/NIDA. Grant Role: Co-Principal. (2013 - 2018) SPURA - Summer Program for Undergraduate Research in Addiction, NIH/NIDA. Grant Role: Co-Principal. (2013 - 2018) RCN-UBE Incubator: Growing a Physiology Education Community of Practice, National Science Foundation. Grant Role: Co-Principal. (2013 - 2014) South Dakota Science and Mathematics Teacher Enhancement: Integrating Math and Science and Using Topical Issues in Science Instruction, SD Board of Regents and US Dept of Education. Grant Role: Co-Principal. (2011 - 2012) Science and Mathematics Instruction In Context for South Dakota in the 21st Century, SD Board of Regents and US Dept of Education. Grant Role: Co-Principal. (2010 - 2011) Supplement to SD BRIN for undergraduate and high school researchers, NIH. (2009 - 2010) SD Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network Supplemental, NIH. Grant Role: Principal. (2001 - 2014) IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence, NIH. Grant Role: Principal. RCN-UBE Incubator: Growing a Physiology Education Community of Practice, National Science Foundation.
Postdoctoral Fellow - University of Alabama at Birmingham
American Physiological Society (APS)Hypertension, Renal
My research focuses on the characterization of spontaneous hypertension in a novel model Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus, the African Green Monkey. As an Old World non-human primate, the African Green Monkey is highly similar to humans in terms of physiology, gene structure, social hierarchy, and behavior. I am specifically interested in the connections between the sympathetic nervous system and the adaptive immune system and their contributions to blood pressure control in this novel animal model. Research Interests: Physiology Hypertension Adaptive Immune System women's health Science Education
Professor - University of Oklahoma Medical Center
American Physiological Society (APS)Renal
Pascale Lane, MD, of Edmond, Oklahoma serves as a professor of pediatrics in the section of pediatric nephrology at the Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center (OUHSC). She received her MD from the University of Missouri in Kansas City and trained in pediatrics at Rush Medical College in Chicago. Her fellowship in nephrology was at University of Minnesota. Dr. Lane joined the faculty at OUHSC in 2011. In 2008, the American Society of Nephrology selected her as founding editor of ASN Kidney News, its national magazine. Dr. Lane is the author of The Promotion Game: Your Guide to Success in the Academic Medical Center (Pascale Lane, 2014). Dr. Lane is a member of many professional organizations in nephrology and associated scientific disciplines. She performs and publishes both basic, clinical and educational research, teaches in the lecture hall and clinic and cares for patients in her specialty. Other interests include faculty development, particularly writing skills, research administration and the evolving role of social media in medicine and science. She also founded Academic Women for Equality Now as a project for Vision 2020.