
Expert Directory - Civil Liberties

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Daniel Tichenor, PhD

Philip H. Knight Chair of Social Science; Director of the Program on Democratic Governance, Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics

University of Oregon

American presidents, Civil Liberties, Immigration, immigration and politics, interest groups, Political movements, social movements

Daniel J. Tichenor has published six books and more than 50 journal articles and chapters on the politics of immigration and citizenship policy, presidential power and its relationship to liberal democracy and the influence of interest groups and social movements on representative government. At the University of Oregon, he serves as the Philip H. Knight Professor of Social Science and Senior Faculty Fellow at the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics. 

Tichenor has been a faculty scholar at the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton University, research fellow in Governmental Studies at the Brookings Institute, Abba P. Schwartz Fellow in Immigration and Refugee Policy at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, and research scholar at the Eagleton Institute of Politics. He regularly gives public lectures and has testified and provided expert briefings to Congress on immigration policy and immigrant integration. 

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