
Expert Directory - Nutrition

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low- and no-calorie sweeteners, Nutrition, nutrition science, public-private partnerships, Sodium

Trish has nearly 30 years of experience in nutrition science and regulatory affairs and has worked in public health, the food industry and consulting. Trish is currently a Senior Nutrition Program Manager for the Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Science (IAFNS), a non-profit independent science organization that brings together industry, government, and academia to advance nutrition science. In this role Trish manages the USDA Global Foods Products Database Public-Private Partnership and works to advance the science on sodium in the diet, and low- and no-calorie sweeteners. In her 10 years at the Campbell Soup Company she served in a variety of roles including informing nutrition strategy, labelling and innovation for the America’s Simple Meals and Snack businesses. She and her team of experienced RDs and nutrition scientists helped bring to market nutritionally advantaged products such as Well Yes soup, V8 Hydrate, Veggie Goldfish, plant-based protein products and helped reduce the sodium in canned products while increasing vegetables and whole grains across the portfolio. Trish is the former Chairman of the Board for the Produce for Better Health Foundation and remains committed to promoting the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables as part of a plant-centric diet while influencing sound nutrition and regulatory policies. She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in nutrition science from the Pennsylvania State University, and has been an active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics since 1984. 

Hope Barkoukis, PhD

Chair, Department of Nutrition

Case Western Reserve University


Chair of the Department of Nutrition and the curriculum creator/ co-faculty lead for the Jack, Joseph, Morton Mandel Wellness & Preventive Care Pathway for medical students. The Pathway introduces medical students to stress reduction techniques, social well-being habits, nutrition, lifestyle and culinary medicine. In 2018 the Pathway received national recognition and an award for Innovation in Teaching future health care professionals from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Teaching awards include the 2019 Outstanding Dietetic Educator from Nutrition Dietetics Education Professionals and the Ohio Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Top Prof, and the John S. Diekhoff Graduate Award for teaching excellence from CWRU. Advanced training includes Culinary Coaching from Harvard University and the Institute for Lifestyle Medicine and advanced training in culinary arts. Countless culinary & nutrition educational sessions for students, consumers and professional audiences have been presented, including for ≥ 300 attendees recently at the Academy’s national Food, Nutrition and Exhibition.

Research experience ranges from the design of nutrition, food and culinary intervention studies; nutrition counseling of culturally diverse populations; competency in body composition techniques, respiratory calorimetry, energy balance determinations, nutritional status and dietary assessments, protein analyses, use of mass spec and stable isotopes for metabolic research. Several funded NIH research interventions have focused on manipulating the types of dietary carbohydrates and dietary glycemic index to achieve greater control of glucose response and substrate utilization using the dietary intervention I have created. I have significant expertise in collaborating with investigators across several disciplines.

Teaching Information
Teaching Interests
Nutrition for the aging and aged, culinary medicine, vitamins, nutrition for healthcare professionals, sports nutrition

Courses Taught
NTRN 440. Nutrition for the Aging and Aged
NTRN 200. Case Cooks
NTRN 364. Human Nutrition II - Vitamins
NTRN 401. Nutrition for Healthcare and Community Professionals
NTRN 460. Sports Nutrition

Research Information
Research Projects
Role: Co-investigator
In planning stages: Culinary medicine in dietetic education curriculum requirements and undergraduate education;
R01 NIH Hl130209, Dweik (PI), Mechanism of Metabolic Dysregulation in PAH.
This study will determine the effects of abnormal glucose utilization and flux through the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway on cell proliferation and nitric oxide deficiency in idiopathic PAH.
Role: Co-Investigator
NIH: R01, HDO 22965-20, NIH/NIDDK Lifestyle Intervention Pregnancy Program with John P Kirwan (Pennington) and Pat Catalano (Tufts).
This study investigates the impact of lifestyle interventions on maternal and infant outcomes. Nutrition students were/(continue to be) trained to be ‘lifestyle coaches’.
Role: Co-Investigator
NSF, SHF: Medium Collaborative Research: Materials Authentication Using Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy, with Soumyajit Mandal (CWRU), Bhunia Swarup, (U Florida), $466,000. 2016/03/07-2019/02/07.
This study is creating a consumer useful tool to assess contamination in over the counter dietary supplements and investigating the accuracy of this tool.
Awards and Honors
Faculty STAR Award (supportive, team oriented, authentic, respectful) 2019 Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine
Ohio Outstanding Dietetic Educator Award 2019 Ohio Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics
Outstanding Educator Award, North Central Region 2019 Nutrition Dietetics Educators and Preceptors Organization
Innovation in Teaching Future Health Care Professionals- (Innovative Educational Model for the JJM Mandel Wellness & Preventive Care Pathway) 2018 Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Professional Achievement Award 2016 Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN)
Development Award, (1+million dollars raised) 2014 Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN)
The “Top Prof” Award 2005 Case Mortar Board, Lux Chapter
John S. Diekhoff Award, Distinguished Teaching 2001 Case Western Reserve University
External Appointments
Board of Directors-Member at Large Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics 2016 2019
Geriatrics Research, Education and Clinical Advisory Sub-Committee Member VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System 2019
Member Committee on Assessment of Physician Assistant nutrition Education Needs 2019 2021
Chair Council on Research Scientific Integrity Committee 2018 2019
Member Council on Research, Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics 2016 2019
Member Committee on Professional Development now called Lifelong Learning, Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics 2014 2017
Member Task Force on Dietetic Practice Groups Strategic Realignment 2016 2018
Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Representative American College of Sports Medicine 2014 2017
Member Task Force on Corporate Sponsorship 2014 2016
View Publications

Selected Publications

Eddie Hill, Hima Sapa, PhD, Lavinia Negrea, MD, Kristin Bame, MS, RDN, CSR, LD, Thomas Hostetter, MD, Hope Barkoukis, PhD, RDN, LD, FAND, Adriana Dusso, PhD, Mirela Dobre, MD. (2020). Effect of Oat B Glucan Supplementation: A feasibility Study. J Renal Nutrition, 30(3);208-215.
ML Erickson, J Mey, CL Axelrod, D Paul, R Russell, H Barkoukis, G OTierney, JP Kirwan. (2020). Rationale and Study Design for Lifestyle Intervention on Preparation for Pregnancy (LIPP): A Randomized Clinical Trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 94:106:624
Sahera Dirajlal-Fargo, Jiao Yu, Majusha Kulkarni, Abdes Sattar, Nicholas Funderburg, Hope Barkoukis, Grace McComsey. (2019). Brief Report: Zinc Supplementation and Inflammation in Treated HIV. J Acquired Immune Def Syndrome, November 1:82(3);275-280.
Barkoukis H, Swain J, Rogers K, Harris S. (2019). Culinary Medicine and the RDN: Time for a leadership role.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2019.01.012.
Ritzenthaler, D., Chan, C., Papp, K. K., & Barkoukis, H. (2018). Zip, zap, zop: Improving medical student wellness. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 33 (2 Supplement 1), 755-756.
Hari A, Fealy C, Solomon T, Haus J, Kelly K, Barkoukis H, Kirwan, J. Exercise induced improvements in glucose effectiveness are blunted by high glycemic diet in pre-diabetics. Acta Diabetologicia, Jan 5, 2019. https://doi.org/10/.1007/s00592-018-1272-2
PhD in Nutrition Nutrition Case Western Reserve University 1997
MS Public Health Nutrition Case Western Reserve University 1979
Bachelor of Arts Business & Nutrition Ursuline College 1977

Digestive Health, Nutrigenomics, Nutrition

Instructor of Research, Department of Nutrition, School of Medicine
Instructor of Research, Digestive Health Research Institute

Dr. Abigail Basson, Ph.D., RD, LD, is a registered dietitian and NIH-funded Instructor in the Department of Nutrition with a secondary appointment with the Division of Gastroenterology, School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University. Abigail’s research goal is to identify mechanisms for targeted dietary manipulation of intestinal microbiota and inflammation that can be used as predictors or therapeutic modifiers of disease severity in patients affected with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). As such, her research integrates basic science and translational clinical research in IBD, combining clinical nutrition and translational methodologies to identify candidate dietary nutrients that will ultimately be translated to biomarkers associated with ‘person-specific’ therapeutic strategies. On the clinical component, Abigail has focused on implementing IRB-approved strategies to validate the findings derived from her mouse work and is currently the PI of a NIH funded, multidisciplinary diet intervention study in patients at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.

View Dr. Basson's Research Website
Teaching Information
Teaching Interests

Research Information
Research Projects
Effect of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet on Gut Homeostasis in Active and Experimental Crohn’s Disease

Recent Funding
Title: NIH Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards (K01)

Award: 1K01DK127008-01


Role: Principal Investigator

Dates: 03/01/2021-12/31/2025

Awards and Honors
Pilot Feasibility Award 2019 Digestive Diseases Core Center (DDRCC), NIH/NIDDK
F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship Research Grant 2018 NIH/NIDDK
AGA Young Investigator Research Travel Award 2018 Digestive Diseases Week
Basic Science Travel Award 2018 Crohn’s and Colitis Congress
Basic Science Travel Award 2017 Digestive Diseases Week
T32 Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Scholar Research Grant 2016 NIH/NIDDK
Invited Member 2015 Golden Key International Honor Society
Faculty Research Grant 2013 University of the Western Cape
Doctoral Research Award 2011 AstraZeneca/SAGES
View All Publications

Selected Papers
a. Basson A, Swart R, Jordaan E, Mazinu M, Watermeyer G. (2014) The association between race and Crohn’s disease phenotype in the Western Cape population of South Africa, defined by the Montreal classification system. PloS ONE; 9(8): e104859. PMCID: PMC4130615.

b. Basson A, Swart R, Jordaan E, Mazinu M, Watermeyer G. (2014) The association between childhood environmental exposures and development of Crohn’s disease in the Western Cape, South Africa. PloS ONE; 9(12): e115492. PMCID: PMC4267820.

c. Basson A, Swart R, Jordaan E, Mazinu M, Watermeyer G. (2016) Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk for moderate to severe disease activity in Crohn’s disease patients in South Africa, measured by the Harvey Bradshaw Index. J Am College Nutr; 35(2):163-174. PMID:26430776.

d. Basson A, Rodriguiez-Palacios A, Cominelli F et al. (2019). Human gut microbiome transplantation in ileitis prone mice: a tool for the functional characterization of the microbiota in inflammatory bowel disease patients. Inflamm Bowel Dis. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 31750921.

e. Basson A, Rodriguez-Palacios A., Cominelli F, et al. (2020). Replacing Animal Protein with Soy-Pea Protein in an ‘American diet’ Controls Crohn’s Disease-like Ileitis Regardless of Firmicutes: Bacteroidetes ratio. J Nutr. 2021. PMID: 33484150.

PhD Public Health & Nutrition University of the Western Cape, South Africa 2015
Certificate Nutrigenomics University of Arizona 2010
MSc Clinical Nutrition Science New York University 2005
BSc Dietetics Rutgers University 2003
Residencies, Internships and Fellowships
Dietetic Internship St Vincent's Catholic Hospital, NYC 2006
Postdoctoral Fellowship Division of Gastroenterology, CWRU 2019

Community Health, Nutrition, Rehabilitation

Dr. Aguiñaga is committed to advancing the scientific knowledge that addresses health disparities in cognition and dementia-related diseases through community-based physical activity research. She received an Alzheimer's Association Research Fellowship to Promote Diversity grant for a study of sitting time, activity, and dementia in underserved populations in central Illinois and Chicago. She also has investigated relationships among cognitive function, lifestyle, and exercise after cancer treatment. Through her research, she hopes to increase diversity in dementia-related research and reverse growing disparities in physical activity and dementia-related diseases, with the ultimate goal of creating culturally appropriate physical activity interventions for racially and ethnically diverse older adults with cognitive impairment and dementia-related diseases.

Dr. Burd’s area of research interest is nutrition and exercise metabolism. Our research group commonly uses stable isotope tracers of amino acids to understand how exercise, nutrition, or disease may regulate skeletal muscle mass (e.g., protein synthesis). However, this method also traces the metabolic fate of amino acids at the whole body level (e.g., protein synthesis, breakdown, and oxidation). Protein ingestion and exercise are the two main anabolic stimuli to human skeletal muscle tissue for maximizing net muscle protein balance. Thus, the application of nutrition and exercise physiology approaches provides an understanding of the mechanisms regulating skeletal muscle mass under various human conditions.

Cognitive Neuroscience, Kinesiology, Nutrition

Dr. Naiman Khan received his BS Degree in Nutritional Sciences from Louisiana State University in 2006. This was followed by MS (2009) and PhD (2012) degrees in Nutritional Sciences at the University  of  Illinois. Following his PhD,  he completed Postdoctoral  Research training in Neurocognitive Kinesiology at the University of Illinois. He currently leads the Body Composition and Nutritional Neuroscience Laboratory. His research has taken a multidisciplinary approach to integrate  knowledge  in  the area sof  nutrition,  kinesiology, and  cognitive  neuroscience  to understand  the  influence  of health  behaviors on  specific  aspects  of  attention,  memory,  and achievement. Dr.  Khan  has  published  over  80research  manuscripts  and  has  received  funding support  from  multiple  sources  including  government, private  corporations, and non-profit  food and  commodity  boards. The  overarching  objective  of his research  program  is  to  generate foundational  knowledge in translating  the  impact  of  health  behaviors to childhood  cognitive function

Jeremy Akers, Ph.D.

Dietetics, Graduate Program Director

James Madison University

chronic disease management, Health & Medicine, Metabolism, Nutrition, Weight Management

Using an interprofessional team approach to research, Akers and his team study different nutrition interventions and exercise modalities to help individuals prevent and treat chronic diseases and to improve their health-related quality of life. Akers’s team also examines various nutrition manipulations to improve athletic performance.

Akers is passionate about teaching undergraduate and graduate students about the research process.

Akers earned his doctorate in nutrition in chronic disease at Virginia Tech, his master's in nutritional and physical activity at JMU and his bachelor's in clinical dietetics at Radford.

Animal Nutrition, companion animals, gut health, Human Nutrition, Microbiome, Nutrigenomics, Nutrition, Obesity, Pets, Prebiotics, Probiotics

(he/him) studies the effects of nutritional intervention on health outcomes, identifying mechanisms by which nutrients impact gene expression and host physiology, with primary emphasis on gastrointestinal health and obesity. His lab’s research is contributing to the development of diets to help prevent obesity and other health-related issues in humans and animals.

More information:
Swanson uses genomic biology to study nutrition-related problems in the areas of obesity and intestinal health. Both comparative and applied nutrition research projects are performed in his laboratory, including those studying human subjects, companion animals, and rodent models. A primary aim of his research group is to study the effects of diet and age on gastrointestinal microbiota abundance and activity. DNA-based techniques [e.g., quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR); next-generation sequencing] are used in the lab. Current projects are designed to evaluate the effects of dietary fibers and prebiotics, dietary lipids, and protein: carbohydrate ratio on gastrointestinal microbial populations. Key associations between intestinal microbiota, host physiology, and disease are also being studied. Another primary area of research pertains to energy homeostasis and obesity. Molecular techniques (e.g., qRT-PCR; Fluidigm; RNAseq) are used to identify mechanisms and/or metabolic pathways affected in key metabolic tissues. Adipose tissue and skeletal muscle play important roles in energy homeostasis and glucose and lipid metabolism and are the focus of several ongoing projects.

Dr. Swanson is Professor of Animal Nutrition and Nutrigenomics in the in the (ACES) at the . He is also interim director of the at ACES.

Keith Baar, PhD

Program Chair and Professor of Aging and Metabolism Research Program, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
American Physiological Society (APS)

Excercise, Nutrition, Obesity

I received my Bachelor’s in Kinesiology from the University of Michigan, where I also served as an Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach with the University of Michigan Football team. I then received a Master’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and PhD from the University of Illinois, where I discovered the molecular signal that causes load-induced muscle hypertrophy. I did my postdoctoral studies on the molecular mechanism underlying the muscular adaptation to endurance exercise under the direction of the legendary Dr. John O. Holloszy at Washington University in St. Louis. 

I am currently the head of the Functional Molecular Biology Laboratory (FMBLab) at the University of California Davis. My research is focused on determining the effect of exercise, nutrition, age, and disease on musculoskeletal tissue function. Work from my lab spans from the molecular mechanisms that lead to adaptation to human studies that translate these basic discoveries to interventions that improve longevity and quality of life.

Culinary, Exercise, health science, Nutrition, Sport

I have spent the last 23 years working with Elite Sport, some of the World's best wellness resorts, done a few TV shows, including the popular Biggest Loser and a cooking show alongside legendary Masterchef Paul Bocuse. Most of my career has been spent working with athletes, spas, resorts, restaurants, television and contract catering developing recipes, menus and as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

I would like to use my global experience and skills in culinary nutrition and fitness to help future employers- either as a consultant or full time.

Specialties: healthy cooking, weight loss programs, improving athletic performance, spa cuisine

José Ordovás

Senior Scientist

Tufts University

Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Obesity, precision nutrition

Dr. José Ordovás is a senior scientist in precision nutrition at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University. His research focuses on the genetic factors that predispose individuals to heart disease and obesity as well as the interaction of these genetic factors with the environment and behavioral factors. In particular, Dr. Ordovás examines the impact of diet on genetic factors. 

Yanjia Zhang, Ph.D.

Attending Physician, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Corewell Health

ASCO 2024, Gastroenterolgy, Hepatology, Nutrition

Dr. Yanjia Zhang, MD works in Boston, MA as a pediatrics specialist.
They are board certified in pediatrics. They are affiliated with Boston Children's Hospital. Their office is not accepting new patients at this time. Dr. Zhang practices at Boston Children's Hospital in Boston, MA.

Diabetes, Endocrinology, Metabolism, Nutrition, Research

Dr. Mehmood Khan’s distinguished career has included several senior corporate roles, including Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer of Global Research and Development at PepsiCo, and President of Global R&D at Takeda Pharmaceuticals.

Before moving into the private sector Dr. Khan was a faculty member in endocrinology at the Mayo Clinic and Medical School, where he served as Director of the Diabetes, Endocrine and Nutritional Trials Unit. He also led programs in diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, and nutrition in Minneapolis.

Dr. Khan is a member of the Board of Directors of Reckitt Benckiser and of the Saudi Research, Development, and Innovation Authority (RDIA), Executive Chairman of Life Biosciences, a member of the Saudi National Biotechnology Strategy Steering Committee, and Chairman of the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology of the United States’ National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Dr. Khan earned his medical degree from the University of Liverpool School of Medicine, England, and completed a fellowship in clinical endocrinology and nutrition in the Department of Medicine and Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in London, a Fellow of the American College of Endocrinology, and an Elected Fellow in the Department of Pharmacology at University of Oxford.

Cardiovascular Health, Nutrition, nutrition and aging, Nutrition Education

Dr. Alice H. Lichtenstein is Senior Scientist and Director of the Cardiovascular Nutrition Team at the HNRCA. Her research focuses on assessing the interplay between diet and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Past and current work includes addressing issues related to trans fatty acids, soy protein and isoflavones, sterol/stanol esters, novel vegetable oils differing in fatty acid profile and glycemic index, primarily in postmenopausal females and older males. Additional work is focused on population-based studies to assess the relationship between nutrient biomarkers and cardiovascular disease risk, and application of systematic review methodology to the field of nutrition. Dr. Lichtenstein is the Stanley N. Gershoff Professor of Nutrition Science and Policy at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and holds appointments as Professor in the Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies at Tufts Medical Center, Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine, and Professor in the Department of Public Health and Family Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine. She was awarded an honorary doctoral degree from the faculty of medicine at the University of Eastern Finland. Dr. Lichtenstein currently serves as Executive Editor of the Tufts Health and Nutrition Letter and Associate Editor of Journal of Lipid Research. She was given the Supelco Research Award by the American Oil Chemist Society and an Honorary Lifetime Membership Award in recognition of unusual expertise and contributions to clinical lipidology by the National Lipid Association. She is a Fellow of the American Society for Nutrition and American Heart Association. Dr. Lichtenstein is a member of numerous professional affiliations, including the Food and Nutrition Board for the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, and was Vice-chair of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee for the USDA and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Vice-chair of the NHLBI Adult Treatment Panel. She was awarded the Alumni Award of Merit from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in 2018.

Family Medicine, Men's Health, Nutrition, preventative care, Primary Care, Rural Health, Screenings, Vaccinations, Weight Loss

Clayton Runfalo, MD, practices family medicine at Ochsner Health Center - Gonzales in Gonzales, Louisiana, and is the Ochsner director of community outreach and development in Ascension Parish. He is frequently interviewed on a wide range of topics, including men's health issues, rural health, vaccines, nutrition and weight loss. 

Dr. Runfalo earned a medical degree from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans. He completed an internship in rural family medicine with the Bogalusa Medical Center-Our Lady of the Angels Hospital in Bogalusa, Louisiana, and a residency in family medicine with Baton Rouge General Hospital. He is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.


Ronit Ridberg, PhD

Research Assistant Professor

Tufts University

Food as medicine, Food is Medicine, Food Policy, Health Care Delivery, Medically Tailored meals, Nutrition, Nutrition Behavior, Nutrition Interventions, nutrition policy, Produce prescription programs

Dr. Ridberg’s research sits at the intersection of community nutrition and health care delivery with a focus on “food is medicine” programs and policies aimed to improve food security, nutrition security and health equity. Highly collaborative, her publications dedicated to produce prescription programs include outcomes for pregnant women, children and households; within rural Tribal communities; as part of a health system’s electronic medical record keeping; and on health care providers’ clinical workflow. She will bring this expertise to the Friedman School while pursuing additional interdisciplinary collaborations across Tufts and with external institutions and organizations. Her prior research and policy advocacy focused on the scaling of regional food systems’ distribution infrastructure through institutional purchasing policies (e.g. in schools, hospitals, state agencies and prisons) as well as business development for regional food hubs.

Dr. Ridberg will aim to create new interlinkages and synergies with the Tufts School of Medicine around research and translation on Food is Medicine and nutrition security.

Dr. Ridberg serves as a member of the California Food is Medicine Coalition’s Medical Advisory Council and is an external consultant to the Rockefeller Foundation’s Food Initiative.

Dr. Ridberg returns to the Friedman School more than a decade after receiving her Master’s degree in its Agriculture, Food and Environment program, and comes most recently from the University of California, Davis, where she earned her PhD in Nursing Science and Health Care Leadership at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing. She completed postdoctoral training within the UC Davis School of Medicine as well as its Center for Healthcare Policy and Research.

Showing results 21–36 of 36
