Executive Director, UCI Cybersecurity Policy & Research Institute
University of California, IrvineCybersecurity, data protection, Privacy
As the founding executive director of UCI’s multidisciplinary Cybersecurity Policy & Research Institute, Bryan Cunningham is focused on solution-oriented strategies that address technical, legal and policy challenges to combat cyber threats; protect individual privacy and civil liberties; maintain public safety, economic and national security; and empower Americans to take better control of their digital security. Cunningham is a leading international expert on cybersecurity law and policy, a former White House lawyer and adviser and a media commentator on cybersecurity, technology and surveillance issues. He has appeared on ABC, Bloomberg, CBS, CNN, FOX and other networks. Cunningham has extensive experience in senior U.S. government intelligence and law enforcement positions. He served as Deputy Legal Adviser to then-National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. He also served six years in the Clinton administration as a senior CIA officer and federal prosecutor. He drafted significant portions of the Homeland Security Act and related legislation, helping to shepherd them through Congress. He was a principal contributor to the first National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, worked closely with the 9/11 Commission and provided legal advice to the President, National Security Advisor, the National Security Council, and other senior government officials on intelligence, terrorism, cyber security and other related matters. Cunningham is a founding partner of the Washington, DC-Los Angeles firm Cunningham Levy Muse, and his law practice has included assisting Fortune 500 and multinational companies to comply with complex legal regulations under U.S. federal law, myriad state laws and the numerous privacy and security requirements in the European Union and other overseas jurisdictions. He was founding vice-chair of the American Bar Association Cyber Security Privacy Task Force and was awarded the National Intelligence Medal of Achievement for his work on information issues. He has served on the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Biodefense Analysis, the Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security in the Information Age and the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Cyber Security Task Force. He is also the principal author of legal and ethics chapters in several cybersecurity textbooks.
Counterterrorism, Cybersecurity, Military History, Security, Terrorism
Since 2006, Davis has worked extensively with the military in the homeland security enterprise and force generation. During a twenty-year Army career, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Davis served in a variety of command and staff positions in airborne, ranger, and Special Forces units. While an instructor at the US Army Infantry School, 1987-89, he was the principal author for the revision of Field Manual 7-10, The Rifle Company Manual. His military awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Combat Infantryman's Badge, and Master Parachutist Badge. From 1997-2000, Davis served as a training consultant in the US State Department's Train and Equip Program in Bosnia-Herzegovina. From 2000-2005, he worked in public education as a JROTC instructor in San Antonio, Texas. Davis earned two degrees from Texas A&M University: a bachelor's in history (1976) and a PhD in education (2003). At Troy State University, he earned a master's degree in international relations (1989). Author of numerous articles, Dr. Davis most recent book, The Phinehas Priesthood: Violent Vanguard of the Christian Identity Movement, was published by Praeger Publishers in 2010. He and his wife Mary live on the Corner Ranch in South Texas.
Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Homeland Security, National Security
Emily Frye is Director for Cyber Integration at the Homeland Security Center at The MITRE Corporation. She is an expert on homeland security, critical infrastructure and cybersecurity. Frye’s work has helped define and explore options for the future of comprehensive, nationwide cybersecurity approaches across both public and private sectors, bridge the divide between federal and state government on cybersecurity initiatives, and strengthen public-private partnerships in support of critical infrastructure security and resilience. Frye has served on both the Long-Range Planning Committee for the Section of Science & Technology of the American Bar Association, and as advisor to the Diversity Committee of the American Bar Association. She is an accomplished speaker and moderator, and has written about issues relating to critical infrastructure, national resilience, digital technology, national security, privacy, economic impacts of cybersecurity, and the role of insurance in Critical Infrastructure Protection. She received her Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from George Mason University and her undergraduate degree from William & Mary. Her speaking appearances include a cybersecurity conference hosted by the Atlantic Council in Poland and Xconomy’s Cyber Madness. She has also written in The Hill on the need for an international cyber court, and been quoted by Slate and CybersecurityTV.
Assistant Professor, School of Business
University at Albany, State University of New YorkCybersecurity, digital forensics, Information Security, Security
Dr. Kisekka is an assistant professor in the Department of Information Security and Digital Forensics. She earned her doctoral degree from the University at Buffalo’s School of Management, where she received the “PhD Student Achievement Award."She is also a recipient of the Pacesetter Award from Argonne National Lab, for her research contributions in Information Security. Dr. Kisekka teaches Security Risk Analysis, Security Policies, and Fraud Detection. Dr. Kisekka has published her research in high quality information systems journals and has also presented at several conferences and workshops such as the International Conference on Information Systems and the Americas Conference on Information Systems. Her research interests areas are: 1) Information security and privacy, where she studies users’ online security behaviors, and employees’ security behaviors. 2) Health information technologies, specifically, improving the utility of HITs for patients. 3.) A relatively new research area is communication on social media, specifically, the spread of information and misinformation. Dr. Kisekka employs both qualitative and quantitative methodologies in her research. Prior to earning a doctoral degree, Dr. Kisekka worked as a software consultant, working on projects for big companies such as Pfizer and Diageo. She has since gained extensive hands-on experience in the area of information security from working at Argonne National Lab, and managing a digital forensics lab at the University at Buffalo. Her work has been recognized outside of academia by news media such as Spotlight News and the Albany Business Review.
Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives Director of Cybersecurity and Privacy Law Assistant Professor of Law
Albany Law SchoolCybersecurity, Intellectual Property, Securities
Antony Haynes joined Albany Law School in December 2015. He has extensive litigation experience in the intellectual property, securities, and criminal defense areas. He served as an associate at the law firm Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, in Washington, D.C., and before that at Williams & Connolly LLP, in Washington, D.C. Prior to practicing law, Antony was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the U.S. Air Force Academy, where he taught courses in programming, developed the Academy’s Information Assurance curriculum, and created the intercollegiate Cyber Defense Exercise. He has extensive experience with a host of software and hardware technologies, including Cisco routers, Motorola microprocessors, TCP/IP networking protocols, SQL databases, and web-based programming. He developed an on-line survey-system for the Department of Epidemiology at a major university. After the Air Force Academy he was an associate at Chatham Financial Corporation, Capital Markets, Kennett Square, Pa., where he led a company-wide software effort, wrote financial software and coordinated technical developers. He is a distinguished graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, where he was recognized as the top computer science graduate. He received his M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, where his thesis focused on machine learning and expert systems. He is an entrepreneur who leverages his background in computer science, technology, business and the law to advise startup companies. In addition to advising startups, he has spent time acquiring and growing companies.
Cyber Defense, Cybersecurity, Information Assurance
Doug Jacobson directs the Center for Cybersecurity Innovation and Outreach at Iowa State University and assists with the Cyber Security Engineering major. (The center has earned designation as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education by the National Security Agency four times since 1999.) As part of his cybersecurity research, Jacobson has developed testbeds to study attacks on internet and cyber-physical systems. He also leads Cyber Defense Competitions on campus designed to help students learn to protect computer systems from outside attackers. He's the go-to source for Iowa media whenever cyberattacks are in the news.
Executive Director, UCI Cybersecurity Policy & Research Institute
University of California, IrvineComputing, Cyberattack, Cybersecurity, Informatics, Technology
As the founding executive director of UCI’s multidisciplinary Cybersecurity Policy & Research Institute, Bryan Cunningham is focused on solution-oriented strategies that address technical, legal and policy challenges to combat cyber threats; protect individual privacy and civil liberties; maintain public safety, economic and national security; and empower Americans to take better control of their digital security. Cunningham is a leading international expert on cybersecurity law and policy, a former White House lawyer and adviser and a media commentator on cybersecurity, technology and surveillance issues. He has appeared on ABC, Bloomberg, CBS, CNN, FOX and other networks. Cunningham has extensive experience in senior U.S. government intelligence and law enforcement positions. He served as Deputy Legal Adviser to then-National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. He also served six years in the Clinton administration as a senior CIA officer and federal prosecutor. He drafted significant portions of the Homeland Security Act and related legislation, helping to shepherd them through Congress. He was a principal contributor to the first National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, worked closely with the 9/11 Commission and provided legal advice to the President, National Security Advisor, the National Security Council, and other senior government officials on intelligence, terrorism, cyber security and other related matters. Cunningham is a founding partner of the Washington, DC-Los Angeles firm Cunningham Levy Muse, and his law practice has included assisting Fortune 500 and multinational companies to comply with complex legal regulations under U.S. federal law, myriad state laws and the numerous privacy and security requirements in the European Union and other overseas jurisdictions. He was founding vice-chair of the American Bar Association Cyber Security Privacy Task Force and was awarded the National Intelligence Medal of Achievement for his work on information issues. He has served on the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Biodefense Analysis, the Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security in the Information Age and the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Cyber Security Task Force. He is also the principal author of legal and ethics chapters in several cybersecurity textbooks.
Computer Science, cyber crimes, Cybersecurity
Professor Awais Rashid is based in the Department of Computer Science, where his research concerns the computer security of large connected infrastructures such as power supply systems, large scale manufacturing plants and water treatment systems. He also leads a national programme of research on protecting citizens online from privacy threats and online harms arising from cyber criminals. He studies why our critical infrastructure systems become vulnerable and the deception techniques used by cyber criminals. He has studied security of software and hardware systems deployed in critical services such as water supply, smart buildings and manufacturing. He has also explored different types of online crime, such as mass marketing fraud, insurance scams, fake online romances, and online grooming. Professor Rashid is currently heading a centre training the next generation of doctoral researchers in cyber security of large-scale infrastructures. He is also directing the National Research Centre on Privacy, Harm Reduction and Adversarial Influence Online. He is heading, as editor-in-chief, an international initiative called the Cyber Security Body of Knowledge, designed to embed stronger foundations for cyber security. Affiliations Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute, Chair on the Scientific Advisory Board of the EPSRC-NCSC Research Institute on Science of Cyber Security, Member of the EPSRC Digital Economy Programme Advisory Board and the Scientific Advisory Board, National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity (ATHENE), Germany
Instructor of Cybersecurity & Information Assurance
Harrisburg University of Science and TechnologyArtificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity
Bruce Young is an Information Security Executive with 25 years of experience in corporate and public organizations. Bruce has designed and led programs including Information Security (CISO), leading Threat Management, Security Operations, Assessment, Vulnerability Analysis and Information Risk Management. Bruce aligns with business management and considers how security initiatives can reduce risk and provide competitive advantage. Researches security vulnerability and compromise trends and develops strategies to combat emerging threats. Recognized as a change agent. Has proven problem solving, project management, and interpersonal skills. Effects cultural change through awareness programs and security advocacy. Teaching & Research Interests: Cybersecurity, research in cloud, artificial intelligence, and analytic computing security
Cyber, Cybersecurity, Resilience, Supply chain security
Wen Masters drives MITRE’s corporate cybersecurity strategy. She oversees MITRE’s innovation centers in cybersecurity, leading a team of hundreds of professionals solving the country’s toughest cyber challenges. She leads MITRE's effort to arm the worldwide community of cyber defenders, giving them vital information to thwart network intruders, build resiliency against future attacks, and develop assurance to overcome possible vulnerabilities. Together, we are working to secure the nation’s critical cyber infrastructure and protect American intellectual property from cyber theft by foreign adversaries. Masters partners with MITRE’s federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs), including the National Cybersecurity FFRDC, extending our impact through industry using platforms such as the MITRE ATT&CK® framework and MITRE Engage. She also collaborates with the MITRE Accelerator and MITRE Engenuity, a foundation for public good, to drive success of industry-facing cyber initiatives, such as the Center for Threat Informed Defense. Before joining MITRE in 2021, Masters was deputy director of research at Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), and co-lead of the Commission on Research Next, developing a roadmap and comprehensive strategy for Georgia Tech’s research enterprise. She served as director of the Information and Cyber Sciences Directorate at GTRI, and as a principal research scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, also known as Georgia Tech. Masters spent more than a decade in the Senior Executive Service at the Office of Naval Research. There, she led the Navy’s Integrated Science and Technology portfolio in Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance. The Navy awarded Masters its Distinguished Civilian Service Medal, Superior Civilian Service Medal, and Meritorious Civilian Service Medal. She also served on the Army Science Board and the National Academy of Sciences Naval Studies Board. Prior to her civilian government service, Masters worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, where she was responsible for orbit determination for NASA’s deep space exploration missions, including Magellan, Galileo, and Cassini. Master’s was a member of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, where she served as vice chair for the SIAM Imaging Science Activity Group and the Association for Women in Mathematics. She has published several articles in technical journals and conference proceedings, and edited a book, Mathematical Modeling in Optical Science.
Director, Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science
New York Institute of Technology, New York Techblockchain, Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Information Technologies, Quantum Computing, Robotics
Michael Nizich is the director of the Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center (ETIC) and an adjunct assistant professor of computer science at New York Institute of Technology. He has more than 25 years of professional experience in information technology in a variety of industries, including aviation, education, law enforcement, biotechnology, and cybersecurity. Nizich has held IT leadership positions in both private and publicly held companies. With more than 10 years of college-level teaching experience, Nizich holds a Ph.D. in Information Studies from Long Island University, a master’s degree in Technology Systems Management from Stony Brook University, and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems from Dowling College. Through ETIC programs, Nizich regularly connects both domestic and international students with internships and full-time positions in cybersecurity. He also directs New York Tech’s Center of Academic Excellence for Cybersecurity Education, designated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency, and serves as a member of the CTEA committee for cybersecurity for Suffolk County Community College.
Executive Director, Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research; Executive Director, Ostrom Workshop; Professor, Business Law & Ethics
Indiana Universityblockchain, Business Ethics, Business Law, Cybersecurity, International Law, International Relations, internet governance, Privacy, Sustainable Development
Scott J. Shackelford is Cybersecurity Program chair at Indiana University, director of the Ostrom Workshop Program on Cybersecurity and Internet Governance, and professor of business law and ethics at the IU Kelley School of Business. He is a senior fellow at IU's Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research, academic director of the IU Cybersecurity Clinic and a term member at the Council on Foreign Relations. Shackelford is also an affiliated scholar at both the Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and Stanford's Center for Internet and Society. He has written more than 100 articles, book chapters, essays and op-eds and has been a contributor to The Conversation, the Christian Science Monitor, HuffPost, Security Roundtable, Policy Forum and the World Economic Forum. He is a former national fellow of the Hoover Institution and a former distinguished fellow of the University of Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study. His research includes the book "Managing Cyber Attacks in International Law, Business, and Relations: In Search of Cyber Peace" (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
Assistant Professor, Computer Science; Co-Director, Oregon Networking Research Group
University of OregonCybersecurity
Durairajan co-directs the Oregon Networking Research Group at the UO. He leads a team of graduate and undergraduate students in federal, university and industry research projects totaling over $4 million. He takes a data-driven networking approach to build a "robust Internet." To this end, Ram and his students are developing innovative techniques and tools to empirically measure the network infrastructures; and building systems informed by those measurements to address intrinsic threats (e.g., terabit DDoS attacks) and extrinsic threats (e.g., climate change and naturally occurring disasters). He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and is a recipient of a 2022 National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the NSF’s most prestigious award in support of early-career faculty. Durairajan earned his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He joined the UO faculty in 2017.
Associate Professor, College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
University at Albany, State University of New YorkCybersecurity, Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, Risk Analysis, Sociology
Jeannette Sutton, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and Director of the Informatics Ph.D. program in the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity at the University at Albany, SUNY. Dr. Sutton specializes in disaster and risk with a primary focus on online informal communication, and public alerts and warning disseminated via terse messaging channels. Much of her research investigates the evolving role of information and communication technology, including social media and mobile devices, for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. Dr. Sutton has held numerous grants from the National Science Foundation, DHS, NOAA, USGS, and the Office of Naval Research. Her research has been published in Risk Analysis, the Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management; the Proceedings of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management; Information, Communication, and Society; Health Communication; and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Jeannette is a member of the National Construction Safety Team Advisory Board at NIST and the Alerts, Warnings, and Notifications Working Group for DHS S&T. She holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and completed her postdoctoral training at the Natural Hazards Center.
Assistant Professor, College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
University at Albany, State University of New YorkCybersecurity, Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, political extremism, Political Science
Sam Jackson is an Assistant Professor in the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity at the University at Albany. He completed his Ph.D. in Syracuse University's Social Science Doctoral Program in the Maxwell School, where he was also an affiliate of the Center for Computational and Data Sciences in the iSchool and of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism. He has also been a visiting researcher with VOX-pol, an EU-funded network of excellence on violent online political extremism. Dr. Jackson has several lines of research. He primarily studies far-right extremism in America, particularly anti-government extremism. His second line of research investigates issues related to extremism online and responses to extremism online. In a third area, he examines behavior on social media platforms, particularly political activism (for example, around the politics of guns in America) or activity in the context of conflicts and crises (for example, during hurricanes). He also develops methods and open-source tools to analyze internet-based data. His research has appeared in Terrorism and Political Violence, Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Media & Society, and George Washington University’s Program on Extremism. His research has also received media coverage, for example in The Washington Post, Vox, and The Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Cybersecurity, Online Safety, TikTok
Guy Garret, M.S., M.B.A., reskilled into a cybersecurity career and decided to make it his mission to help others do the same. As an associate director, technology and training for the Center for Cybersecurity, Garrett is laser-focused on making the Florida Panhandle the place for discovering, developing, and delivering cybersecurity talent to business, government, and non-profit organizations. His goal is to make students “keyboard ready.” This gets done by infusing “real-world” techniques and situations into the things students must do in order to complete a class, including those which lead to industry certification. In addition, Garrett leads the Cybersecurity Ambassador program. The “CA’s” are recruited from among UWF’s best cybersecurity, information technology, and computer science students. Their job is simple – inspire K-12 students to take their place. They host virtual and in-person events and summer camps to introduce the next generation to the cyber opportunity. It’s what Garrett calls “the best part of the job.”
Director of the Center for Cybersecurity and Professor of Computer Science
University of West FloridaArtificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Education, Machine Learning
Dr. Eman El-Sheikh is Associate Vice President at the University of West Florida. She leads the Center for Cybersecurity and is also a Professor of Computer Science at UWF. Eman has extensive expertise in cybersecurity education, research, and workforce development. She received several awards related to cybersecurity education and diversity and was recognized among the 2020 Women Leaders in Cybersecurity by Security Magazine. Dr. El-Sheikh leads several national and regional initiatives, including the National Cybersecurity Workforce Development Program and the Southeast Regional Hub for the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity. Eman received numerous grants to enhance cybersecurity education, workforce development, and capacity building. She launched the Cybersecurity for All® Program to enhance competencies and hands-on skills for evolving cybersecurity work roles. The program was recognized among the 2020 Innovations in Cybersecurity Education. Dr. El-Sheikh teaches and conducts research related to the development and evaluation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for cybersecurity. She has published several books, including most recently, Computer and Network Security Essentials by Springer Publishing, over 75 peer-reviewed articles and given over 100 invited talks and presentations. Eman also co-founded the Florida Women in Cybersecurity Affiliate. She holds an M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Michigan State University.
Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Electrical Engineering, network security, threat intelligence
Dr. Tirthankar Ghosh is a Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Computer Science at UWF. Dr. Ghosh joined UWF in 2018 after spending 13 years at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota as their lead cybersecurity faculty and program director. He has over seventeen years of experience in cybersecurity education and research in network security, ICS security, anomaly detection, and adversary tactics techniques and procedures, and threat intelligence. Dr. Ghosh has received multi-million dollars of grants from NSF, NSA, State of MN, state of FL, and private sectors. He established a funded research lab on industrial control systems using motes from Linear Technologies and Emerson Process Management on St. Cloud campus and has experience in leading several state-funded projects on scenario-based, competency-focused, learner-centric curriculum design using the NIST NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework. Dr. Ghosh was the co-founder of a state-wide consortium in Minnesota and a regional cybersecurity consortium in St. Cloud. Dr. Ghosh authored a book titled “Security by Practice: Exercises in Network Security and Information Assurance”, and several journal papers and book chapters. He is also an ABET evaluator for Cybersecurity and Computer Science.
Computer Science, Cybersecurity
Anthony teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Computer Science and Software Engineering. He joined the faculty in 2002 after he earned a M.S. in Computer Science from UWF. Anthony, who spent 20 years on active duty with the U.S. Marine Corps, also has several years experience and training in business-related software development and cybersecurity. Anthony coordinated UWF’s successful effort to be designated a National Security Agency/Department of Homeland Security National Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Education. In addition, he is heavily involved in efforts to enhance Cyber Security education in the area including being a Mentor for CyberPatriot, Cyberthon as well as the Facility Advisor for the UWF Cybersecurity and coach for the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition. Anthony's professional training includes Wireshark Advanced Network Analysis and Blackhat Certification in Hacking by the Numbers Bootcamp, Hacking by the Numbers BlackOps, pen testing with Kali Linux, Locking Down Linux and Adaptive Red Team tactics.
Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Data Mining
Dr. Sikha Bagui, Distinguished University Professor and Askew Fellow, was former Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Founding Director of the Center for Cybersecurity at The University of West Florida. Dr. Bagui is active in publishing peer reviewed journal articles in the areas of database design, data mining, Big Data analytics, Machine Learning and AI. Dr. Bagui has worked on funded as well unfunded research projects and has 85+ peer reviewed publications, some in highly selected journals and conferences. She has authored several books on database and SQL, and her books have been translated into several different languages and have international editions. Dr. Bagui also serves as Associate Editor and is on the editorial board of several journals. Degrees & Institutions: Ed.D., Curriculum & Instruction: Math & Stat / Science/ Computer Science, University of West Florida M.B.A., University of Toledo B.S., Cuttington University (Liberia) Research: Interests: Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Database Design, Data Pre-Processing Grant Funding: NSF CSForALL: $300,000, 10/1/2021-09/30/2023 NSF Collaborative: RAPID, $50,000, 01/25/2021 - 04/30/2021 NSF Collaborative: Elements: RUI: $350,000, 01/25/2021-10/31/2022 NSA NCAE: $375,511, 9/22/2021-12/31/2024 Center for Inclusive Computing: $60,000, 1/2021 – 1/2023 Current Courses: Database Systems Introduction to Big Data Analytics Advanced Big Data Analytics Introduction to Data Mining Advanced Data Mining Project (Special topics on Data Mining, Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics)