
Expert Directory - Webb Space Telescope

Showing results 1 – 7 of 7

Leadership, Star Formation, Webb Space Telescope

Dr. Matt Mountain is the current President of The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) – which builds and operates telescopes and observatories for the National Science Foundation (NSF) and NASA. Previously, he was Director of the Space Telescope Science Institute and prior to that led the construction of and directed Gemini Observatory. Matt is also the Telescope Scientist for JWST. He received his Ph.D. in Astrophysics from Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London. Dr. Mountain’s research areas of focus include star formation, advanced infrared instrumentation, and capabilities of advanced telescopes.

Leadership, Origins Of Life, Planets, public engagement, Solar System, Webb Space Telescope

Dr. Heidi Hammel is an Interdisciplinary Scientist for the James Webb Space Telescope and Vice President for Science at AURA. She previously served as a member of the Imaging Science Team for the Voyager 2 Neptune Encounter, and spent many years at MIT as a Principal Research Scientist.  Dr. Hammel has used Hubble many times to study Neptune and Uranus, and led the Hubble Team that investigated Jupiter’s atmospheric response to the impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994.

Leadership, Webb Space Telescope

Dr. Nancy A. Levenson is the Deputy Director of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. Before joining the institute in 2016, Dr. Levenson served as Deputy Director and Head of Science at Gemini Observatory, being based in La Serena, Chile. She was previously tenured at the University of Kentucky in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Rosa Diaz, PhD

Missions Engineering and Science Analysis Deputy

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

public outreach, Webb Space Telescope

Dr. Rosa Diaz is the Missions Engineering and Science Analysis Branch Deputy supporting, coordinating, or managing several cross-instrument and cross-mission  projects for the Hubble Space Telescope, James Webb Space Telescope, and Nancy Roman Space Telescope. She works with teams and technical leads on projects that range from the design, implementation, and maintenance of software and systems to the testing and validation of scientific algorithms and documentation for missions. Dr. Diaz also participates in public outreach efforts, particularly focusing on reaching out to the Latin American community.

Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Webb Space Telescope

Amanda Arvai serves as the deputy branch manager for the spacecraft operations and engineering branch at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which supports the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) spacecraft flight operations. In this role, she develops flight products and procedures to operate JWST post-launch. She leads the Attitude Control Subsystem (ACS), which is responsible for pointing control and attitude determination, and supports the propulsion and fault management subsystems. She also supports the development and maintenance of software tools for the flight operations team.

Circumstellar Disk, Stars, Webb Space Telescope

Dr. Tracy Beck is an AURA Observatory Scientist in the Instruments division at STScI. Her functional duties involve working on the AURA James Webb Space Telescope NIRSpec team, helping with the JWST telescope commissioning in the Telescopes group, proposal planning, user support and operations development. Her research expertise involves high spatial resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations of gas and dust in the environments of young T Tauri stars and binary/multiple star systems.

Lou Strolger, PhD

Observatory Scientist/Deputy Head of Instruments

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Cosmology, Supernovae, Webb Space Telescope

Dr. Lou Strolger is the Deputy Head of the Instruments Division, and Observatory Scientist at STScI. He is primarily concerned with clues to the nature of supernova progenitors through bulk analyses; rates, environmental effects (star-formation, metallicity, etc.), and the global evolution of these properties over the history of the Universe. He is also involved in projects on four robotic telescopes; three in space — the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope; and the RCT 1.3-meter on the ground. He is active in a number of initiatives addressing underrepresented minorities in astronomy and physics, and looking at approaches to improve recruitment and retention.

Showing results 1 – 7 of 7
