Ranjit Bindra
Harvey and Kate Cushing Professor of Therapeutic Radiology and Professor of Pathology; Vice Chair for Translational Research, Therapeutic Radiology; Scientific Director, Chênevert Family Brain Tumor Center at Smilow Cancer Hospital and Yale Cancer Center
Ie-Ming Shih
Richard W. TeLinde Distinguished Professor, Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Patrick E. T. Godbey
President of the College of American Pathologists, Laboratory Director, Southeast Georgia Health System
Katerina Politi
Associate Professor of Pathology; Co-Leader, Cancer Signaling Networks, Yale Cancer Center; Scientific Director, Center for Thoracic Cancers
Raouf E. Nakhleh
Professor of Pathology Mayo College of Medicine, Consulting Pathologist, Department of Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, Chair of College of American Pathologists Council on Scientific Affairs.
Emily E. Volk
President-elect of the College of American Pathologists, Senior VP of Clinical Services, University Health System and Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Texas Health, Long School of Medicine, San Antonio
Roy A. Jensen
Director at The University of Kansas Cancer Center and Director at Kansas Masonic Research Institute (KMCRI)
David Rimm
Anthony N. Brady Professor of Pathology and Professor of Medicine (Medical Oncology); Director, Yale Cancer Center Tissue Microarray Facility, Pathology; Director, Yale Pathology Tissue Services, Pathology; Director, Physician Scientist Training Program, Pathology Research
Rohit Bhargava
Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering; Director of the Cancer Center at Illinois