
Our News on Newswise

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Making Heart Scar Tissue a Nonissue

New Sanford Burnham Prebys scientist Ahmed Mahmoud, PhD, and his team focus on how to repair adult hearts by restoring the regenerative powers they once possessed early in development. He wants to advance the discoveries he has made in regenerating...
7-Mar-2025 7:05 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Future Drugs May Snap Supply Chain Fueling Breast Cancer

Cancer cells have an insatiable appetite for energy as they multiply more rapidly than normal cells. Greedy cancer cells hijack various cellular functions to find and exploit energy and other resources, including a group of enzymes that help normal...
5-Mar-2025 8:00 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Gene Therapy May Be “One Shot Stop” for Rare Bone Disease

For the last 10 years, the only effective treatment for hypophosphatasia (HPP) has been an enzyme replacement therapy that must be delivered by injection three-to-six times each week. Currently, patients are treated with injections of asfotase alfa,...
3-Feb-2025 9:10 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Leona M. Flores, PhD, Named Vice President of Research Operations at Sanford Burnham Prebys

Leona M. Flores, PhD, has been named vice president of research operations at Sanford Burnham Prebys. She will elevate the research capacity of the institute by working with faculty and other scientists to ensure successful execution of research...
8-Jan-2025 7:20 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Combining Long- and Short-Read Sequencing in Single Cells Reveals New mRNAs in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Researchers led by Jerold Chun MD, PhD, professor in the Degenerative Diseases Program at Sanford Burnham Prebys, published results December 10, 2024, in eNeuro from combining two sequencing technologies in single cells to find new differences in...
19-Dec-2024 8:25 PM EST Add to Favorites

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David D. O’Keefe, PhD, Named Vice President of Research Development at Sanford Burnham Prebys

David D. O’Keefe, PhD, has been named vice president of research development at Sanford Burnham Prebys. His duties will include working with scientists to maximize research funding and increase research capacity at the Institute by nurturing a...
18-Dec-2024 6:45 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Three Sanford Burnham Prebys Faculty Members Ranked Among the World’s Most Influential Scientists

Three faculty members at Sanford Burnham Prebys are among the most influential scientists worldwide in the 2024 rankings by the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate.
6-Dec-2024 2:45 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Controlling Cancer Cells’ Gluttony for Glutamine

Researchers at the NCI-Designated Cancer Center at Sanford Burnham Prebys describe two enzymes newly identified for their roles in regulating macropinocytosis, a process cancer cells use to snatch extra nutrients from the jelly-like substance...
5-Dec-2024 4:40 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

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Xueqin Sun seeks to illuminate the underlying causes of cancer

As a new assistant professor at Sanford Burnham Prebys faculty, Sun seeks to better understand the genetic and epigenetic underpinnings of cancers, using genome editing technologies, animal and patient-derived models, and other tools to develop more...
13-Mar-2024 9:05 AM EDT

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Sanjeev Ranade wants to get to the heart of congenital disease

Sanjeev S. Ranade, Ph.D., who joined the faculty of Sanford Burnham Prebys this month as an assistant professor in the Development, Aging and Regeneration program, studies how proteins called transcription factors (TFs) specifically control the...
22-Jan-2024 6:00 AM EST

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When T cells and macrophages talk, Kelly Kersten listens

Kelly Kersten, Ph.D., who joined Sanford Burnham Prebys this month as an assistant professor in the Cancer Metabolism and Microenvironment program, studies the interactions between immune cells and their microenvironment to better understand how...
17-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST

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Shengjie Feng channels the powers of cryogenic electron microscopy

Shengjie Feng, Ph.D. is an expert in cryo-electron microscopy, a Nobel Prize-winning imaging technology capable of creating stop-action movies of proteins and other biomolecules jostling and connecting with each other while mitochondria and other...
16-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST

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Sanford Burnham Prebys is an independent biomedical research institute dedicated to understanding human biology and disease and advancing scientific discoveries to improve human health. For over 40 years, our research has produced breakthroughs in cancer, neuroscience, immunology and children’s diseases, and is anchored by our NCI-designated cancer center and advanced drug discovery capabilities. For more information, visit us at SBPdiscovery.org or on Facebook at facebook.com/SBPdiscovery and on Twitter @SBPdiscovery.


