
Our News on Newswise

Machine-Learning Algorithm Analyzes Gravitational Waves From Merging Neutron Stars in the Blink of an Eye

KINGSTON, R.I. – March 6, 2025 – Observations of the merger of binary neutron stars are vital to the growing field multi-messenger astronomy. The collision of these massive star remnants, occurring millions of light years from Earth, emit...
7-Mar-2025 8:00 PM EST Add to Favorites

URI’s 2025 Innovative Education Conference to tackle ‘Navigating Wicked Problems’

The University of Rhode Island Office for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning will host its second annual Innovative Education Conference on Wednesday, March 26, exploring global issues college students are facing and the best practices...
7-Mar-2025 7:15 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Could Wearables Be the Future in Diagnosing ADHD?

For some students, remaining seated and focused at a desk from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. can be particularly challenging, especially for those with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, ADHD is one of...
13-Feb-2025 7:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

URI-Based Report Sheds Light on Human Rights Abuses Worldwide

In the last quarter century, most countries around the world have failed to adequately protect the human rights of their citizens. In that time, nations’ efforts to protect human rights have been stagnant – with the number of countries receiving...
21-Nov-2024 9:45 AM EST Add to Favorites

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University of Rhode Island Receives $65 Million Gift—the Largest in Its History—to Support Scholarships

November 15, 2024 – KINGSTON, RI – The University of Rhode Island today unveiled a $65 million gift that will support scholarships for high-achieving students. The philanthropic gift—the largest in the University’s history—is the result of...
15-Nov-2024 2:40 PM EST Add to Favorites

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URI Awarded $1.5M EPSCoR Grant to Team with Warren on Coastal Resilience

Sitting on Narragansett Bay in northeastern Rhode Island, the town of Warren is highly vulnerable to the effects of sea-level rise and flooding due to its low elevation. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration projections, the...
7-Oct-2024 3:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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URI partners on study that tracked whale shark for record-breaking four years

KINGSTON, R.I. – July 22, 2024 – A team of researchers at the University of Rhode Island and Nova Southeastern University in Florida have been tracking a 26-foot endangered whale shark – named “Rio Lady” – with a satellite transmitter...
22-Jul-2024 1:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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RI-INBRE secures $21 million NIH grant to support biomedical research and training across Rhode Island

The University of Rhode Island announced today that it has secured a five-year, $21 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to support the Rhode Island IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence program from 2024 to 2029. This...
13-Jun-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

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URI invasive species expert co-leads two global studies published in two Nature journals

The spread of invasive alien species has long been recognized as a global threat to nature and people. In September, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) for the United Nations issued a global...
6-Jun-2024 1:05 PM EDT

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URI Professor Explores Transgender Movements in Research and the Classroom

KINGSTON, R.I. – Oct. 4, 2023 – Growing up in Portland, Oregon, in a Quaker family, Joy Ellison got their first taste of protest rallies when they were 6 years old.Ellison, who joined the University of Rhode Island last fall as an assistant...
5-Oct-2023 11:45 AM EDT

URI business professor, colleagues look at mortality and leadership succession in family business

By 2030, more than 30% of family businesses in the U.S. will lose their aging leaders to retirement, or death. Many of those leaders don’t have a strategy for letting go of their business, turning it over to a successor, or selling it. While it is...
21-Apr-2023 10:05 AM EDT

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The University of Rhode Island is the state's flagship institution of higher education. As such, the University is uniquely positioned, ready and able to provide innovative ideas, adaptive intelligence and breakthrough research to enhance the lives of the people and businesses in the state, nation, and world. URI is the only public institution in Rhode Island to offer undergraduate, graduate, and professional students the distinctive educational opportunities of a major research university.

URI’s pioneering research extends its influence well beyond its R.I. coastlines, while its unique interdisciplinary courses provide its 13,764 undergraduate and 2,982 graduate students with global opportunities in an intimate environment. At the heart of the University is a strong core of traditional academic disciplines that provide the foundation for all specialized, professional, and applied areas of study.

The University takes learning beyond the classroom and welcomes original thinking. URI's expression, "Think Big. We Do," reflects the entrepreneurial spirit of the University, the local as well as global impact of the work being done by the people at URI and by the big contributions being made by more than 120,000 alumni in all walks of life.



