Our News on Newswise

An Important Step Forward in Precision Oncology: New Genetic Tool Predicts Chemotherapy Side Effects Before Treatment Begins

A groundbreaking pharmacogenetic tool has been developed and validated to predict chemotherapy side effects based on a patient’s genetic profile.
26-Feb-2025 5:20 AM EST Add to Favorites

Increasing Chemotherapy Effectiveness with Oleanolic Acid from Grapes

Researchers describe a new potential role for Oleanolic Acid as a modulator of the DNA damage response following Camptothecin treatment. Administration of Oleanolic Acid in combination with Camptothecin for cancer chemotherapy may reduce the amount...
27-Dec-2024 6:00 PM EST Add to Favorites

Falcons Exposed to Heavy Metals Are a Red Flag for Environmental Health

Exposure to heavy metals compromises immune functions and reduces reproductive success in the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), according to a new paper published by researchers working with the Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO) at...
26-Nov-2024 3:00 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Maryland Professor Luana Colloca Recognized with Lifetime Achievement Award

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) and the Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO) named Dr. Luana Colloca the recipient of the 2024 Giovan Giacomo Giordano-NIAF Lifetime Achievement Award for Ethics and Creativity in Medical...
18-Nov-2024 10:55 AM EST Add to Favorites

Personalized Breast Cancer Treatment through Non-Invasive Liquid Biopsy

In patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-low breast cancer, the molecular classification of their case plays a pivotal role in the formulation of personalized treatment plans aimed at optimizing outcomes. Despite notable...
14-Nov-2024 1:35 PM EST Add to Favorites

Chili Peppers Exhibit Antitumor Effect on Mesothelioma Cancer Cells

Capsaicin, the compound in chili peppers which gives them their spicy taste, may become a source of new, natural drugs for the hard-to-treat Mesothelioma type of cancer.
5-Nov-2024 12:55 PM EST Add to Favorites

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NIH Director Monica M. Bertagnolli Honored with NIAF Leonardo da Vinci Award in Health and Science

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) presented its Leonardo da Vinci Award in Health and Science to National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Monica M. Bertagnolli Saturday at the 49th annual NIAF gala in Washington, D.C.
29-Oct-2024 9:35 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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SHRO Hosts Scientific Session at the National Italian-American Foundation Gala in Washington D.C

On October 26, 2024, the National Italian-American Foundation (NIAF) will hold its 49th annual Gala at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington D.C. As part of the weekend's prestigious events, the Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO) will host a...
1-Oct-2024 9:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

Coronavirus: concern and precaution ok, but panic and hysteria unjustified, says expert

COVID-19 is similar in symptoms to the seasonal flu, but to recognize it there is a different procedure and we have to act accordingly
6-Mar-2020 8:20 AM EST

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Thorough Genotyping and Repurposed Drugs Key to Treating Small-Cell Lung Cancer, says Cancer Expert

Cancer expert Antonio Giordano, MD, PhD, Director of the Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine at Temple University, describes the recent progress and future possibilities of treating SCLC.
13-Apr-2017 7:05 AM EDT

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Sbarro Health Research Organization conducts research in cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on the campus of Temple University, our programs train young scientists from around the globe.



