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Three Concepts Key to Recovery from Substance Use Disorders Identified Via Reviewing 30+ Years of Scientific Findings

Certain concepts have a demonstrated basis for aiding recovery from dangerous alcohol or substance use, according to an analysis of scientific literature since 1990. Self-efficacy (a belief in one's ability to achieve a goal), social support, and...
22-Aug-2024 6:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Study Finds Low Utilization of Specialty Treatment for Problem Alcohol Use; Differences Associated with Race, Ethnicity, and Health Risk Status

Only four percent of people who are screened and report heavy drinking go on to receive specialty treatment for their alcohol use, according to a study published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research. The study found race, ethnicity, and...
24-Aug-2024 6:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Brain Shows Changes in Regions Associated with Anxiety after Quitting Alcohol

Certain regions of the brain show changes during the early stages after quitting drinking that may contribute to increased anxiety and relapse rates in people attempting recovery from alcohol use disorder, according to a study published in Alcohol:...
21-Aug-2024 6:40 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Digital Tools Effective for Reducing Drinking In People with Excessive Alcohol Use Who May Not Seek Formal Treatment, Study Suggests

In a large group of frequent drinkers who used a digital application offering tailored text-based support for reducing their alcohol intake, weekly drink amounts fell by 1/3 over 12 weeks. The study of real-world users shows promise for people who...
20-Aug-2024 7:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Adolescent Alcohol Exposure Impairs Behavioral Flexibility and Learning in Adult Rats, Pointing to Persistent Effects on Brain Chemistry

Rats with alcohol exposure in adolescence are less able as adults to adapt their behavior in changing circumstances, according to a study that highlights the possible brain mechanisms involved. The findings may help us better understand ways that...
25-Jul-2024 6:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Innovative fMRI Study Finds Larger Warning Labels Including Pictures Linked to Lower Desire to Consume Alcohol Products

Young adult men who viewed alcohol warning labels experienced a lower activation of the reward circuits in their brains when the warnings were larger and involved pictures, compared to more familiar small-text warnings, in a first-of-its-type study....
24-Jul-2024 6:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Antidepressants May Increase Risk of Relapse in People with Alcohol Use Disorder

Antidepressants may reduce the risk of relapse in people with alcohol use disorder—but only if the antidepressants are effective in reducing their depression symptoms. People whose depression symptoms do not improve with antidepressant treatment...
23-Jul-2024 6:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Sipping Alcohol in Early Adolescence May Contribute to Personality Changes and Depression

Children who try alcohol may experience mental health and personality effects as they transition to early adolescence. An analysis of alcohol sampling behavior in children ages 9 to 14, published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, found...
24-Jul-2024 5:30 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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The Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) provides a forum for communication among researchers who share common interests in understanding the disease of alcoholism and alcohol’s various effects, both positive and negative, on the body and behavior. The Society's purpose is to promote research that can lead the way toward prevention and treatment of alcoholism, and a reduction in the harmful effects of alcohol in society. RSA is the leading international society of research scientists working on alcohol problems, with over 1,500 members in the United States and around the world.

