
Our News on Newswise

Video: The UW’s assistive-feeding robot gets tested outside the lab

UW researchers deployed a robotic feeding arm in a pair of studies outside the lab. In the first, six users with motor impairments used the robot to feed themselves a meal in a UW cafeteria, an office or a conference room. In the second study, a...
4-Mar-2025 6:25 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Child ADHD Risk Linked to Mother’s Use of Acetaminophen

Acetaminophen metabolites were detected in 20.2% of maternal plasma samples. Children whose mothers had these biomarkers present in their plasma had a 3.15 times higher likelihood of an ADHD diagnosis compared with those without detected exposure.
20-Feb-2025 7:55 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Coffee Grounds and Reishi Mushroom Spores Can Be 3D Printed Into a Compostable Alternative to Plastics

University of Washington researchers developed a new system for turning used coffee grounds into a paste, which they use to 3D print objects, such as packing materials and a vase. They inoculate the paste with Reishi mushroom spores, which turn the...
18-Feb-2025 6:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

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New Blood Test Accurately Predicts Preeclampsia

A new blood test has an 80% accuracy in predicting preterm preeclampsia, according to a study published today, Feb. 12, in the journal Nature Medicine.
12-Feb-2025 7:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Whale Poop Contains Iron That May Have Helped Fertilize Past Oceans

A recent theory proposes that whales weren’t just predators in the ocean environment: Nutrients that whales excreted may have provided a key fertilizer. Analysis of whale excrement shows significant amounts of bioavailable iron, a vital element...
6-Feb-2025 8:15 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Q&A: How Rate of CO2 Rise Can Affect a Global Ocean Current

How fast the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide — and with it, the temperature — goes up matters for the ability of humans and ecosystems to adjust. A slower increase gives humans time to move away from low-lying coasts and animals time to move...
28-Jan-2025 8:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

Study Finds Strong Negative Associations with Teenagers in AI Models

A UW team studied how AI systems portray teens in English and Nepali, and found that in English language systems around 30% of the responses referenced societal problems such as violence, drug use and mental illness. The Nepali system produced fewer...
21-Jan-2025 6:45 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Distance Affects Use of Telehealth to Access Abortion Pills

The distance between a patient’s home and an abortion-services facility where they would seek care significantly influences how they receive birth-control medications, according to a study published Jan. 8 in the American Journal of Public Health....
9-Jan-2025 10:20 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

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How a UW Teaching Professor Adds the Context Behind the Science in Her Chemical Engineering Courses

Alex Prybutok, University of Washington assistant teaching professor of chemical engineering, studies anti-racism, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in engineering education.
7-Jan-2025 7:50 PM EST

Q&A: Promises and Perils of AI in Medicine, According to Uw Experts in Public Health and AI

In a recent paper, UW research professor describes a troubling experience asking an AI chatbot for medical information. Optimists believe artificial intelligence could help solve those problems, but the bots might not be ready for prime time.
21-Nov-2024 11:45 AM EST

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Q&A: UW Professor Discusses How Academia Can Help Battery Manufacturing in the US

Jie Xiao, University of Washington professor of mechanical engineering, talks about batteries and how academia can help support the growing domestic battery manufacturing industry.
18-Nov-2024 4:50 PM EST

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The primary mission of the University of Washington is the preservation, advancement, and dissemination of knowledge. The University preserves knowledge through its libraries and collections, its courses, and the scholarship of its faculty. It advances new knowledge through many forms of research, inquiry and discussion; and disseminates it through the classroom and the laboratory, scholarly exchanges, creative practice, international education, and public service. As one of the nation's outstanding teaching and research institutions, the University is committed to maintaining an environment for objectivity and imaginative inquiry and for the original scholarship and research that ensure the production of new knowledge in the free exchange of facts, theories, and ideas.



