Our News on Newswise

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Geochemist Kevin Rosso Appointed a Battelle Fellow

Geochemist Kevin Rosso earns the highest scientific and leadership honor bestowed by PNNL.
13-Jan-2025 3:45 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Identifying the Elements for Carbon Storage

Led by interns from multiple DOE programs, a newly expanded dataset allows researchers to use easy-to-obtain measurements to determine the elemental composition of a promising carbon storage mineral.
7-Jan-2025 10:50 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Microelectronics Science Research Centers to Lead Charge on Next-Generation Designs and Prototypes

A new generation of microelectronics research begins at PNNL.
23-Dec-2024 6:40 PM EST Add to Favorites

Metal Scrap Upcycled into High-Value Alloys with Solid Phase Manufacturing

Solid phase manufacturing can create new custom metal alloys through an innovative process called solid phase alloying, researchers from PNNL report.
12-Dec-2024 8:55 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Faster, More Informed Environmental Permitting with AI-Guided Support

Federal environmental permitting process to be fast-tracked with AI-powered tools and cloud-supported data analysis.
3-Dec-2024 6:10 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Delay and Pay: Tipping Point Costs Quadruple After Waiting

Tip the first tile in a line of dominoes and you’ll set off a chain reaction, one tile falling after another. Cross a tipping point in the climate system and, similarly, you might spark a cascading set of consequences like hastened warming, rising...
26-Nov-2024 8:50 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Data Scientist Fixes His Sights on Speeding Up Drug Discovery

Scientists are using artificial intelligence and powerful computing to sculpt new molecules in an effort to treat disease.
25-Nov-2024 12:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

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How ‘Clean’ Does a Quantum Computing Test Facility Need to Be? PNNL Scientists Show the Way

How to keep stray radiation from “shorting” superconducting qubits; a pair of studies shows where ionizing radiation is lurking and how to banish it.
13-Nov-2024 9:50 AM EST Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

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Want Better AI? Get Input From a Real (Human) Expert

Input from humans helps when deciding whether to trust the recommendations and decisions of a machine-learning system.
20-Nov-2023 12:30 AM EST

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PNNL Scientist Inspires Next Generation at the National Science Bowl

Physicist Emily Mace will share her science journey and an interactive presentation about her current research with middle school and high school students from across the country at the National Science Bowl.
24-Apr-2023 6:05 PM EDT

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Mentoring the Next Generation STEM Workforce

Mentoring interns creates opportunities to inspire the future, diverse workforce with pathways into STEM careers.
27-Oct-2022 2:30 PM EDT

Well, This Is Cool: PNNL’s Bruce Kay Is A Supercooled Water Expert

Bruce Kay is an international authority on how water, and whose research examines how fast reactions occur between molecules and surfaces and also how they convert from solid to liquid to gas.
30-Aug-2021 3:45 PM EDT

A Call to Rethink Electricity Measurement

PNNL researcher's proposed overhaul of outdated electricity measurements could mean fewer blackouts, better automation, and more clean energy resources.
4-Aug-2021 8:45 AM EDT

Energy Technologies Move Closer to Commercial Use

Federal and industry-matched funding will move 11 PNNL technologies closer to commercialization where they will help bolster U.S. competitiveness.
28-Jun-2021 3:05 PM EDT

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PNNL is a DOE National Laboratory where interdisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers address many of America’s most pressing challenges in energy, the environment, and national security through advances in basic and applied science.



