Newswise Blog

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sporting Loud Designer Logos May Send The Wrong Message

When it comes to luxury brand marketing, the “louder” the logo, the less valuable the item.  And the branding of more flashy goods may signify more about the consumer’s social and economic status than they realize.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 07/26 at 12:42 PM
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Unique Style of “Walking” Identified in Species of Caterpillar

You’ve probably never given a lot of thought to how a caterpillar walks, but some new research has identified a completely unique, and novel form of locomotion in the tobacco hawkmoth caterpillar (Manduca sexta).  Using synchronized x-ray and microscope technology, researchers learned that the creature’s stomach and internal gut structure seem to move forward in advance of the surrounding body and legs.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 07/23 at 09:49 AM
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Might As Well Face It, You’re Addicted To Love

Everyone knows the immortal 80s pop song by Robert Palmer, “Addicted to Love.”  New research shows just how right those immortal lyrics are - with studies on how the human brain responds to romantic feelings in much the same way it responds to addiction.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 07/22 at 03:47 PM
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cornell’s Robot Ranger Sets Untethered ‘Walking’ Record at 14.3 Miles

They say that to understand a person, you should walk a mile in their shoes.  Well, I don’t know what shoes he was wearing, but a robot designed by Cornell University walked 14.3 miles, setting an unofficial world record.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 07/22 at 02:11 PM
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Commenting and Cognitive Surplus

At Newswise, we’re especially interested in commenting, a basic concept of social media.  We plan to introduce commenting on articles in late July.  We’re introducing this in collaboration with Newswise contributing institutions.  (See New@Newswise blog).  We’ve already introduced a sharing module, another basic component of social media participation.

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Posted by Roger Johnson on 07/22 at 01:25 PM
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Newswise Commenting Update

We recently asked Newswise members for feedback about opening up comments on Newswise articles, and we wanted to give our members an update on the progress as we prepare to deploy this new feature.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 07/21 at 12:47 PM
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Scientists Isolate First Stage of Tissue Production From Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Scientists at the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center have described a population of cells that mark the very first stage of differentiation of human embryonic stem cells as they enter a developmental pathway that leads to production of blood, heart muscle, blood vessels and bone.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 07/21 at 11:22 AM
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Monday, July 19, 2010

It’s the Nature of Capitalism: Regulations Can Fix a Crisis, but Won’t Prevent One

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville expert says that new regulations passed by Congress will give regulators tools to clean up the next financial crisis but will not prevent another one from happening.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 07/19 at 01:10 PM
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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Top Five Summer Injuries Among Children

Doctors at Nationwide Children’s Hospital have noticed a trend in injuries that occur in children during the summer months. See what experts say can help prevent these common summer injuries. Video included.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 07/06 at 10:51 AM
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Friday, July 02, 2010

Major Racial Disparities Found in Hospital Admissions for High Blood Pressure

The hospital admission rate for blacks with hypertension was 161 per 100,000 people in 2006 – nearly 5 times the hospitalization rate for whites (33 admissions per 100,000).

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Posted by Craig Jones on 07/02 at 02:42 PM
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