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Monday, December 20, 2010

Writing Down Your Weight-Loss Goal Will Help You Reach that New Year’s Resolution

From Greenwich Hospital

The first step to reaching your ideal weight in the New Year may be as simple as writing it down.

Putting a pen to paper and keeping a daily journal of meals and snacks is one of the best strategies of successful dieters, says Dr. Christopher J. Mosunic, a specialist in weight management and diabetes at Greenwich Hospital in Greenwich, Connecticut.

“Keeping a food diary is like exercise, it will always help you lose if you do it consistently,” says Mosunic, a licensed clinical psychologist and registered dietitian who trained at Duke University’s famed weight loss clinic. More importantly, the writing habit “is one of the top predictors of weight loss success,” Mosunic adds. No wonder some of the country’s major commercial diet plans strongly recommend the write-what-you-eat journaling practice to their clients.

Read the full article here.

Posted by Thom Canalichio on 12/20/10 at 05:24 PM


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