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Friday, May 28, 2021

Top Story on Newswise: Mild COVID-19 induces lasting antibody protection

One of Newswise’s top stories is about how people with mild covid-19 have long-lasting antibody protection.

Ali Ellebedy from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that patients had cells in their bone marrow that offered protection for 11-12 months after infection.

He took bone marrow samples from a group of people 7-8 months after they had a mild covid19 infection and then again after another four months.

This antibody response could continue for a lifetime. Ellebedy and his colleagues are now looking at the antibody response after vaccination.

I am Jessica Johnson from Newswise, have a great day!

You can check out our video of last week’s best articles on Newswise .

Posted by Jessica Johnson Papaspyridis on 05/28/21 at 07:28 AM


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