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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Malaria Vaccine Depends On … Mosquito Bites?

New Malaria Vaccine Depends On … Mosquito Bites?.jpg

From Tulane University

The same menace that spreads malaria – the mosquito bite – could help wipe out the deadly disease, according to researchers working on a new vaccine at Tulane University.

The vaccine would work by triggering an immune response in people so they produce antibodies that target a protein the malaria parasite needs to reproduce within a mosquito.

Once a mosquito bites a vaccinated person, the antibodies would neutralize the protein essential for malaria parasite’s reproduction, effectively blocking the parasite’s – and the mosquito’s – ability to infect others.

Read the full article here.

Posted by Thom Canalichio on 02/15/11 at 02:46 PM


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