Newswise — July 28 marks World Hepatitis Day, a date dedicated to raising awareness about hepatitis and promoting measures to combat this serious public health issue. 

Early detection and prevention are critical in the fight against hepatitis. Vaccination, regular screening, and public health campaigns are vital in reducing the spread of the disease.

Several global health initiatives aim to combat hepatitis and improve access to treatment and care in underserved regions. These initiatives focus on increasing the availability of vaccines, antiviral medications, and medical infrastructure in areas with limited healthcare access.

Increasing education and awareness about hepatitis transmission, symptoms, and treatment options is essential. Public health education campaigns can inform individuals about how hepatitis spreads, the importance of vaccinating, and the treatment options available.

Stigma and discrimination associated with hepatitis can prevent individuals from seeking and receiving the care they need. Reducing stigma through education and awareness campaigns is crucial to ensuring that those affected by hepatitis can access timely and effective treatment.

Recent Coverage

Newswise Research 

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Newswise Experts 

Robert Lanford, PhD

Texas Biomedical Research Institute

Dir. of Southwest National Primate Research Center

Expertise: Hepatitis Liver Disease Primate Research

Anurag Maheshwari, MD

Mercy Medical Center

Gastroenterology, The Center for Liver and Hepatobiliary Diseases

Expertise: Cirrhosis Gastroenterology Hepatitis Hepatitis C Hepatology Liver Disease Liver Transplan Viral Hepatitis 

Mercy Medical Center

Medical Doctor, The Institute for Digestive Health & Liver Disease at Mercy

Expertise: Digestive Disease Gastroenterology Hepatitis Liver Cancer Liver Disease 

Dr. Adey Nyamathi, PhD

University of California, Irvine

Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Nursing

Expertise: Hepatitis HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis Vulnerable Populations 

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