Newswise — ILSI North America hosts Dr. Jaeyun Sung of the Mayo Clinic to discuss with participants the development of a gut microbiome-based health index.

Join ILSI North America’s  for this Nov. 20, 11-12:00 p.m. webinar hosted jointly with the .

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Dr. Sung will talk about his group’s recent work to develop a predictive index for health status using species-level gut microbiome profiling, as published in Nature Communications in September of 2020 ().

Providing insight into one’s health status from a gut microbiome sample is an important clinical goal in current human microbiome research. Dr. Sung and his colleagues introduces the Gut Microbiome Health Index (GMHI), a biologically-interpretable mathematical formula for predicting the likelihood of disease independent of the clinical diagnosis. 

Dr. Sung will discuss his vision for the index as a potential tool for preventive medicine, including plans for further developing the algorithm, such as incorporation of data on microbial function.

Dr. Sung is interested in community feedback so we encourage active participation!

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