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Newswise: Mapping Out Matter’s Building Blocks in 3D
Release date: 17-Sep-2024 3:30 PM EDT
Mapping Out Matter’s Building Blocks in 3D
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Deep inside what we perceive as solid matter, the landscape is anything but stationary. The interior of the building blocks of the atom’s nucleus — particles called hadrons that most of us would recognize as protons and neutrons — are made up of a seething mixture of interacting quarks and gluons, known collectively as partons. The HadStruc collaboration has now come together to map out these partons and disentangle how they interact to form hadrons. Their latest findings were recently published in the Journal of High Energy Physics.

Newswise: Wistar Institute Researchers Identify Parkinson-related Protein’s Role in Cancer and T Cell Activation
Release date: 17-Sep-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Wistar Institute Researchers Identify Parkinson-related Protein’s Role in Cancer and T Cell Activation
Wistar Institute

Wistar scientists have demonstrated the role of Parkin — a protein implicated in Parkinson's disease — in the body’s innate immune response to cancer.

Newswise: Two common surgeries equally effective for treating blinding condition of the eyelid
10-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Two common surgeries equally effective for treating blinding condition of the eyelid
NIH, National Eye Institute (NEI)

Trachomatous trichiasis, a potentially blinding condition where inward-turned eyelashes scratch the front of the eye, can successfully be treated by either of the two most common types of eyelid surgery, according to findings from a large comparison trial funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Newswise: Ultra-low-dose ketamine can curb opioid withdrawal
Release date: 17-Sep-2024 1:05 PM EDT
Ultra-low-dose ketamine can curb opioid withdrawal
University of Washington School of Medicine and UW Medicine

Research findings published Aug. 29 in Addiction Science & Clinical Practice may offer hope. A pilot study showed that a small amount of ketamine can reduce or eliminate the withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting fentanyl.

Newswise: UAlbany Analysis Finds Mobile Phone Distractions Adversely Affect Learning in Young Adults
Release date: 17-Sep-2024 1:00 PM EDT
UAlbany Analysis Finds Mobile Phone Distractions Adversely Affect Learning in Young Adults
University at Albany, State University of New York

A new analysis by University at Albany researchers in the School of Education has found that young adults exposed to mobile technology distractions had worse learning outcomes in the classroom compared to those without distractions.

Release date: 17-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Auto plants grew their workforces after transitioning to electric vehicle production
University of Michigan

U.S. auto plants producing battery electric vehicles have required a larger workforce than traditional internal combustion engine plants—a finding that runs counter to early predictions about how EVs would impact the industry.

Newswise: TikTok ban could set precedent for social media free speech and privacy, experts say
Release date: 17-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
TikTok ban could set precedent for social media free speech and privacy, experts say
Virginia Tech

The clock is ticking for TikTok, and questions of freedom of speech and national security are on the line. This week, representatives for the popular video-sharing app are arguing in a federal appeals court for its ability to operate in the United States.  A federal law, which goes into effect in January, would ban the app for U.

Released: 17-Sep-2024 12:00 PM EDT
​Community Health Centers Face Financial Shortfalls and Uncertainty as Funding Expiration Looms
George Washington University

Analysis finds almost half of health centers had negative financial margins in 2023; early warning signs suggest the great majority will go into the red in 2024

Release date: 17-Sep-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Expert Available: Constitution Day
George Washington University

The Constitution turns 237 today. ...

Release date: 17-Sep-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Expert Available: National Voter Registration Day
George Washington University

Since it started in 2012, the team behind the holiday has helped over five million people register to vote for their next trip to the polls. ...
