Newswise — As governments and policymakers debate the best ways to scale healthcare and technology solutions, history shows that true democratization often comes from the private sector’s ability to innovate and expand markets.

Dr. Mehmood Khan, a global leader in healthspan, highlights how private-sector incentives have played a crucial role in scaling transformative technologies, from the internet to modern medicine.

"I do not believe there is an example, other than maybe mass polio vaccine campaigns, where the public sector can, on its own, democratize something. Every example I can think of in democratization has happened because the private sector figured out how to get something into the hands of as many people as possible because they’re incentivized to increase the market. They are naturally incentivized. That's not a bad thing. I think the private sector has a critical role in democratization. And every technology I’ve looked at to try and understand over the last 50 years of democratization, the government invented the internet, the private sector scaled it, and then leveraged it for core commerce."

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