Newswise — The American Academy of Dermatology’s Innovation Academy will be held Aug. 1-4 in Seattle. The meeting will feature cutting-edge research and innovations on a wide range of dermatology topics. Sessions that may interest you this year include:

Scarring Alopecia in Men
An increasingly common type of hair loss in men is scarring alopecia. This immerging topic will be discussed in conjunction with Hair Loss Awareness Month (August).

  • Unlike forms of non-scarring alopecia like male pattern baldness or alopecia areata, it can lead to permanent hair loss if not treated quickly.
  • While most prior research focused on this devastating form of alopecia in women, there has not been a lot of information on its impact on men until now.
  • This presentation will cover the different types of scarring alopecia for men, how they appear, key symptoms to watch for, and available treatments.

Presenter: Prince Adotama, MD, FAAD, Assistant Professor, Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Update on Cutaneous Reactions to Cancer Therapy
Certain cancer treatments are common causes of a variety of skin-related side effects, which can substantially impact a patient’s quality of life and may cause some patients to stop their cancer treatment.

  • Cancer treatments such as immunotherapy or targeted therapies – which are types of cancer treatments that use medications to target specific cancer cells – can cause skin, hair and nail reactions in most patients.
  • The National Cancer Institute estimates that more than 2 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States in 2024.
  • Dermatologists can accurately diagnose and manage these skin, hair and nail conditions and help improve a patient’s quality of life and prevent the discontinuation of potentially life-saving cancer treatment.

Presenter: Fiorinda Fiona Muhaj, MD, FAAD, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston

I’d love to connect you with the above presenters, or the board-certified dermatologists leading additional sessions that may be of interest to you.