Newswise — Rockville, Md.—Last month at its 2023 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, La., the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) welcomed Patricia A. D’Amore, PhD, MBA, FARVO, as its new president for April 2023 – May 2024.

A member for more than 40 years, D’Amore is a Gold Fellow of ARVO (FARVO) ― a recognition of her individual accomplishments, leadership, and contributions to the Association. Her past volunteer activities include positions as chair of ARVO’s Annual Meeting Program Committee and Awards Committee. Currently, she sits on ARVO’s Finance Committee, Editor-in-Chief Nominating Committee, and Anti-VEGF Advisory Committee. As president of ARVO, she will also head the Association’s Board of Trustees.

An internationally-recognized expert on vascular growth and development, D'Amore is associate chief for basic and translational research for ophthalmology at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. She is also the Charles L. Schepens Professor of Ophthalmology and vice chair for basic and translational research for the department of ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass.

At the close of the recent 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting, D’Amore announced her theme for the 2024 Annual Meeting, which will be hosted in Seattle, Wash. (May 5 - 9) ― Vision for the Future.

“ARVO has been my home since I began in vision research several decades ago," says D'Amore. "I am honored and excited to be able to give back to an organization that has played such a major role in my career. I look forward to contributing to ARVO as we employ all of the available remarkable technology and talent to move vision research into the future.”

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The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) is the largest eye and vision research organization in the world. Members include approximately 10,000 eye and vision researchers from over 75 countries. ARVO advances research worldwide into understanding the visual system and preventing, treating and curing its disorders. Learn more at For more information about the 2024 ARVO Annual Meeting, visit ARVO’s website.

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