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Newswise: Advancing the Economics of Mental Health: A Global Perspective
Released: 12-Mar-2025 4:05 AM EDT
Advancing the Economics of Mental Health: A Global Perspective
ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research

Value in Health, the official journal of ISPOR announced the publication of a special themed section of research papers exploring mental health economics, highlighting impacts on caregivers, productivity, and interventions’ cost-effectiveness.

Newswise: Opening a New Chapter in 3d Microprinting with the Dream Material 'MXene'!
Released: 12-Mar-2025 12:00 AM EDT
Opening a New Chapter in 3d Microprinting with the Dream Material 'MXene'!
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Dr. Seol’s team at KERI achieves a printing resolution about 1/100th the thickness of a human hair By eliminating the use of additives (binders) and post-processing, obstacles in the utilization of MXene, improvements in battery performance are expected.

Newswise: Bridging Centuries of Science: Prof. Jean Salençon Explores the History of Plasticity Theory at CityUHK
Release date: 12-Mar-2025 12:00 AM EDT
Bridging Centuries of Science: Prof. Jean Salençon Explores the History of Plasticity Theory at CityUHK
Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study, City University of Hong Kong

In February 2025, the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) welcomed Professor Jean Salençon, a distinguished scholar in continuum mechanics and an HKIAS Senior Fellow. During his visit, he delivered an engaging HKIAS Distinguished Lecture, guiding the audience through the historical developments of a theory that continues to shape modern engineering.

Newswise: For Nutritional Gains, Opt for Chickpeas Over Cereal Grains
Released: 11-Mar-2025 9:40 PM EDT
For Nutritional Gains, Opt for Chickpeas Over Cereal Grains
University of Adelaide

Chickpeas and lentils, either whole or in flour form, offer more nutritional value to the human diet than products made from oats and wheat, research from the University of Adelaide has found.

Newswise: Socioeconomically Disadvantaged People Still Underusing Emergency Department Services in the Wake of the COVID Pandemic
Released: 11-Mar-2025 9:30 PM EDT
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged People Still Underusing Emergency Department Services in the Wake of the COVID Pandemic
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

Socioeconomically disadvantaged groups may still be underusing emergency departments for potentially serious illnesses in the wake of the COVID pandemic, despite an overall rebound in emergency department use by 2022.

Released: 11-Mar-2025 9:15 PM EDT
She's Better at Making Her Bed
Universite de Montreal

Young female chimpanzees make their nests earlier and more often than young male chimps, demonstrating their independence right from the start, a new UdeM study finds.

Newswise: Do Women Leaders Drive Better Environmental Outcomes?
Released: 11-Mar-2025 9:15 PM EDT
Do Women Leaders Drive Better Environmental Outcomes?
University of California San Diego

Meera Mahadevan, assistant professor of economics at UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS) explores how developing countries can sustainably provide the resources their citizens need, such as electricity and water. She has made major discoveries with her research, much of which is conducted in India, where Mahadevan grew up. She has found that when women are elected to political office in India, air pollution decreases. She also uncovered mass corruption in the country with how politicians misuse their influence over state-controlled electricity to sure up their reelections.

Newswise: AdobeStock_95437745-1536x1024.jpeg
Released: 11-Mar-2025 9:00 PM EDT
Study: Nearly 40% of Companies Missed or Abandoned 2020 Climate Targets with No Consequences
University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business

When a company misses an earnings target, it usually faces some backlash: a drop in stock prices, negative headlines, and sometimes even CEO turnover.

Newswise: Weathering the Storm: Professor’s New Book Explores How Local Governments Can Adapt and Recover From Natural Disasters
Released: 11-Mar-2025 8:50 PM EDT
Weathering the Storm: Professor’s New Book Explores How Local Governments Can Adapt and Recover From Natural Disasters
Binghamton University, State University of New York

“Natural Disasters and Local Resiliency,” co-written by Binghamton University's Komla Dzigbede revolves around the increase in number, strength and frequency of natural disasters globally; the authors interview local government managers — many who may be the next to experience a disaster — to examine the lessons that they can use as they attempt to prevent, prepare, respond and recover from these events. The book’s major goal is to serve as a resource for practitioners at the local level leading government services and programs.

Newswise: Drug Building Blocks Pave Path to New Sepsis Treatments
Released: 11-Mar-2025 8:25 PM EDT
Drug Building Blocks Pave Path to New Sepsis Treatments
Sanford Burnham Prebys

The immune system typically can ramp up the body’s defenses to clear out an invading threat without issue. Glitches can happen, however, with sepsis occurring when the mustered army of cells also attacks the body’s own tissues and organs as if they were enemy combatants.
