Newswise — Who needs Punxsutawney Phill and his shadow…? Nova Southeastern University (NSU) has Captain, our ambassador sea turtle who has thrown her hat, um, shell into the prognosticator business!
Unlike that groundhog to the north, Captain, who is a permanent resident at NSU’s (MEEC) in the Carpenter House on Hollywood Beach, didn’t need to see her shadow to predict the winner of Super Bowl LVII – she only needed a handful of lettuce!
Check it!
This is truly a “South Florida-only” type of story and could be a fun tie-in with ongoing Super Bowl LVII stories between now and the big game. Please feel free to use the link to our social media post; if you would like the video file just let me know and I can make that happen. And if you’d like to visit the MEEC and meet Captain and those who care for and love her, say the word and I can set that up as well!
Oh, and Captain said that she hopes that it’s a good game and that fans rooting for both teams enjoy Super Bowl LVII! (and given where she’s from, we think she’s a Dolphins fan, but you didn’t hear that from us!)