BYLINE: Living Beyond Breast Cancer

Newswise — Today, Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC), a nationally recognized nonprofit dedicated to providing trusted information and fostering a supportive community for people at every stage of their breast cancer journey, is proud to announce the expansion of the No One Missed campaign to the breast cancer community. With an emphasis on reaching the metastatic breast cancer (MBC) community in this first year, this multi-year, integrated campaign—in partnership with LUNGevity Foundationis designed to educate about the critical role of biomarker testing in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. 

Biomarker testing is a powerful tool that plays a critical role in understanding and guiding treatment decisions for those living with MBC. Unfortunately, not everyone diagnosed with MBC receives biomarker testing when it’s needed – at the time of diagnosis and, when there is a cancer progression. Despite clinical advancements, there is no cure for MBC, with one-third of women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in the U.S. living at least 5 years after diagnosis.1 However, knowing the presence and combination of certain biomarkers—specific characteristics of cancer cells that provide information on how the cancer behaves—can help those living with MBC and their healthcare teams better understand why cancer cells are growing and multiplying and learn if there are other treatment options.  

“As the understanding of metastatic breast cancer grows and more treatment options become available, biomarker testing has become a game changer to help patients and their doctors make more informed decisions,” said Jean Sachs, MSS, MLSP, Chief Executive Officer, Living Beyond Breast Cancer. “For someone living with metastatic breast cancer, their cancer may evolve over time and their biomarkers may change. This signifies an important need for conversations between patients and healthcare care teams about biomarker testing at diagnosis and every time a cancer progresses. Our hope for this campaign is that it will help improve patient and doctor conversations about biomarker testing.” 

Initially launched by LUNGevity Foundation in 2021 to the non-small cell lung cancer community, No One Missed is supported by more than 25 organizations that are dedicated to a future that ensures there’s No One Missed when it comes to biomarker testing in all cancer types. Expanding to the breast cancer community, No One Missed: Breast Cancer aims to encourage every individual living with metastatic breast cancer to follow four steps when it comes to biomarker testing: Take Stock, Talk, Test and Treat. 

  1. Take Stock: Metastatic breast cancer biomarkers are highly individual. Understanding the cancer’s biomarker status is an important first step managing the disease. This knowledge can help you feel confident and prepared to speak with your doctor moving forward. 
  1. Talk: Your doctor may have already had the cancer tested for biomarkers. It’s important to know which biomarker tests have already been performed and which ones are recommended for you. You have the right to know and understand your test results—they are key to understanding your diagnosis and treatment options.  
  1. Test: Your doctor will order testing for all recommended biomarkers. Be sure that you are receiving comprehensive biomarker testing. Depending on the type of test performed, it may take one to several weeks to receive results. 
  1. Treat: Based on your test results, your healthcare team will talk with you about the most effective treatment options for you, tailored to the specific biomarkers of the cancer and your overall health history.

“My diagnosis of de novo metastatic breast cancer was daunting. However, biomarker testing revealed key information about my cancer and my treatment options, which was empowering. It gave me a sense of control over my cancer, providing me with possibilities,” said Sheila Godreau, No One Missed: Breast Cancer campaign champion, metastatic breast cancer thriver and proud mom of two young adults. “I feel a responsibility to share the realities of metastatic disease with the MBC community and why biomarker testing is a crucial step in managing their health.”  

The campaign website provides resources, including how to talk to your healthcare provider about biomarker testing, a fact sheet about biomarker testing and other patient stories, for those living with MBC to support their biomarker testing process. Learn more here:  

About the No One Missed Campaign 

No One Missed is a community-led campaign driven by LUNGevity Foundation supported by patient advocacy, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology organizations. The campaign’s mission is to build public awareness of biomarker testing as a critical part of a cancer diagnosis and prognosis and empower patients to discuss biomarker testing with their healthcare team. 

No One Missed: Breast Cancer is supported by premier sponsor, AstraZeneca; member sponsors, Daiichi-Sankyo, Lilly, Merck, and Genentech; supporter sponsor, Novartis; and friend sponsors, Foundation Medicine, and Relay Therapeutics. Additionally, No One Missed: Breast Cancer is supported by partners, Cancer Support Community, FORCE, Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance, SHARE, Susan G. Komen, The Chrysalis Initiative, TOUCH: The Black Breast Cancer Alliance and Young Survival Coalition.  

³Õ¾±²õ¾±³Ù for more information. 

About Living Beyond Breast Cancer 

Living Beyond Breast Cancer is a national nonprofit organization that seeks to create a world that understands there is more than one way to have breast cancer. To fulfill its mission of providing trusted information and a community of support to those impacted by the disease, Living Beyond Breast Cancer offers in-person experiences and on-demand emotional, practical, and evidence-based content that is meaningful to those newly diagnosed, in-treatment, post-treatment and living with metastatic disease. ³Õ¾±²õ¾±³Ù for more information.  

About LUNGevity Foundation 

LUNGevity, the nation’s leading lung cancer organization, is transforming what it means to be diagnosed and live with lung cancer. LUNGevity seeks to make an immediate impact on quality of life and survivorship for everyone touched by the disease—while promoting health equity by addressing disparities throughout the care continuum. 

  • Through research, we use an innovative and holistic approach to finding lung cancer earlier when it is most treatable; advance research into new treatments so people may live longer and better; and ensure a diverse, vital pipeline of investigators for the future of the lung cancer field. 
  • Through advocacy, we foster groundbreaking collaborations to ensure all people have access to screening, biomarker testing, and treatment breakthroughs. 
  • Through community, we educate, support, and connect people affected by lung cancer so that they can get the best healthcare and live longer and better lives. 

Comprehensive resources include a medically vetted and patient-centric website, Patient Gateways for specific types of lung cancer, a toll-free HELPLine for personalized support, international survivor conferences, and tools to find a clinical trial. All these programs are designed to help us achieve our vision—a world where no one dies of lung cancer. LUNGevity Foundation is proud to be a four-star Charity Navigator organization. 

Please visit to learn more.  


  1.  Surveillance Research Program, National Cancer Institute. SEER*Explorer. Breast cancer – SEER relative survival rates by time since diagnosis, 2000-2019, stage at diagnosis, female, all races/ethnicities, all ages, distant. Accessed on April 24, 2023., 2023. 

Other Link: NIH: SEER*Explorer

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NIH: SEER*Explorer