Newswise — KC Coryatt is passionate about environmental justice, though they haven't always known it. They knew in high school they loved the environment, and when they started applying for colleges, ESF became the only logical choice.

While at ESF, it all clicked for KC when they came across a talk on Julian Agyeman's book Just Sustainabilities. The phrase, "You can't have sustainability without justice," particularly resonated in their mind. It inspired them to spend their life in the pursuit of environmental justice.

"I realized that oftentimes making sustainability equal for all people is overlooked," KC said. "The book truly conceptualized everything I was feeling." They've been involved with incorporating more environmental justice ideas into ESF classes as a result of this passion.

Beyond the classroom, KC formed new communities by founding the Black Student Union (BSU) and serving as its president. They've also helped to make the Sexuality and Gender Alliance Club (SAGA) more active on campus. Both clubs have events on the horizon for the Fall 2022 semester. "Forming and reactivating these communities was important to help form groups where we can connect as peers and talk about the important issues," KC said.

To their fellow members of the LGBTQ community on campus, KC encourages them to get involved with SAGA. "There is a vibrant LGBTQ community on ESF's campus. We're here and we're queer, so come seek us out and get involved!"

In the future, KC plans to go to law school and focus on environmental law. Everyone at ESF is rooting for you all the way, KC!

Interested in getting involved with SAGA or BSU? Learn more on our clubs page: