Credit: The authors
Figure 3. The population structure and principal component analysis results for various species of Hainan tea and the Camellia genus are presented, alongside gene flow maps illustrating interactions between cultivated tea and Hainan tea.
(a) Population structure of Hainan tea and global Assamica, global Sinensis, 21 bloom Camellia, 24 oilseed Camellia, 41 wild Camellia, and 15 other Camellia groups. The picture shows the population structure of K value from 2 to 8 analyses. (b) Principal component analysis. These samples can be divided into six different groups, represented by six circles. Among them, Other, Bloom Camellia and Oilseed Camellia are grouped together, while Hainan Tea, global Assamica1, global Assamica2, global Sinensis, and wild Camellia are grouped separately. (c) Graph illustrating the results of the optimal gene flow analysis conducted using Treemix. This figure shows the history of gene flow among three populations of Assamica, Sinensis and Hainan tea. Arrows are used to mark possible population migration events in the figure, the length of the arrow indicates the intensity of migration, and the direction of the arrow indicates the direction of migration.