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Newswise: Muscles From the Printer
Released: 11-Mar-2025 5:30 AM EDT
Muscles From the Printer
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Empa researchers are working on artificial muscles that can keep up with the real thing. They have now developed a method of producing the soft and elastic, yet powerful structures using 3D printing. One day, these could be used in medicine or robotics – and anywhere else where things need to move at the touch of a button.

Newswise: New Empa Laboratory to Unlock the Quantum Potential of Carbon
Released: 6-Mar-2025 6:50 AM EST
New Empa Laboratory to Unlock the Quantum Potential of Carbon
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

At the end of January, Empa opened a new laboratory that aims to harness quantum effects from carbon. This could pave the way for sustainable quantum technologies, including quantum computers. The project is supported by the Werner Siemens Foundation.

Newswise: From Raw Material to an (Almost) Finished Car Battery
Released: 27-Feb-2025 9:30 PM EST
From Raw Material to an (Almost) Finished Car Battery
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

In a four-year EU project led by Empa, eleven collaborators from research and industry succeeded in significantly improving batteries for electric cars. One of the main objectives of the project was to scale up the new materials and technologies so that they can be brought to market as fast as possible.

Newswise: More Precise Cancer Diagnosis Thanks to 3D Computed Tomography
Released: 20-Feb-2025 10:30 AM EST
More Precise Cancer Diagnosis Thanks to 3D Computed Tomography
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Empa researchers have developed a new 3D tissue analysis for thyroid tumors. This special X-ray method uses artificial intelligence to enable more precise diagnoses without damaging the tissue removed. In the future, this examination method could also be used for other types of cancer and replace more complex procedures with simpler imaging methods.

Newswise: The Molecular Einstein
Released: 13-Feb-2025 4:10 AM EST
The Molecular Einstein
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Is it possible to tile a surface with a single shape in such a way that the pattern never repeats itself? In 2022, a mathematical solution to this “einstein problem” was discovered for the first time. Empa researchers have now also found a chemical solution: a molecule that arranges itself into complex, non-repeating patterns on a surface. The resulting aperiodic layer could even exhibit novel physical properties.

Newswise: Environmental Research: How Dangerous Are Nanoplastics for Babies in the Womb?
Released: 5-Feb-2025 7:10 AM EST
Environmental Research: How Dangerous Are Nanoplastics for Babies in the Womb?
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Allergies and asthma are widespread diseases that could arise during embryonal development in the womb. A team led by Empa researcher Tina BĂĽrki is investigating the possible causes of this. The focus is on nanoplastic particles, which could lead to the development of a hypersensitive immune system in the child.

Newswise: Energy-Efficient Cooling Thanks to Ionic Wind
Released: 30-Jan-2025 5:50 AM EST
Energy-Efficient Cooling Thanks to Ionic Wind
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Thanks to a new type of airflow booster for ionic wind, completely new fields of application are opening up for the start-up Ionic Wind Technologies. In future, the patented technology is to be used primarily for cooling data centers and high-performance electronics. The Empa spin-off has already won several awards.

Newswise: New Model for the Spread of Infectious Diseases
Released: 23-Jan-2025 4:40 AM EST
New Model for the Spread of Infectious Diseases
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

The reproduction number R is often used as an indicator to predict how quickly an infectious disease will spread. Empa researchers have developed a mathematical model that is just as easy to use but enables more accurate predictions than R. Their model is based on a reproduction matrix that takes into account the heterogeneity of society.

Newswise: Concrete as a Carbon Store
Released: 20-Jan-2025 5:50 AM EST
Concrete as a Carbon Store
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Mining the Atmosphere, a new Empa research initiative, aims at capturing excess COâ‚‚ from the atmosphere and storing it in building materials such as concrete.

Newswise: The Biobattery That Needs to Be Fed
Released: 9-Jan-2025 5:35 AM EST
The Biobattery That Needs to Be Fed
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

A battery that needs feeding instead of charging? This is exactly what Empa researchers have achieved with their 3D-printed, biodegradable fungal battery. The living battery could supply power to sensors for agriculture or research in remote regions. Once the work is done, it digests itself from the inside.

Newswise: Making the Most of Switzerland's Wood
Released: 16-Dec-2024 6:40 AM EST
Making the Most of Switzerland's Wood
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Sustainable, renewable and good for the climate: Wood is the material of the future. But how much of it do we actually have and how do we make best use of it? Researchers from Empa and WSL have now analyzed the material flows of wood in Switzerland in detail – and discovered untapped opportunities.

Newswise: How Much COâ‚‚ Does Zurich Emit?
Released: 12-Dec-2024 2:45 AM EST
How Much COâ‚‚ Does Zurich Emit?
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

To achieve net zero, we need to reduce our COâ‚‚ emissions quickly and efficiently. An EU project involving Empa has selected Zurich as one of three pilot cities in Europe to accurately measure and model their carbon dioxide emissions. The findings will help cities to achieve their climate targets.

Newswise: A keener eye for the invisible
Released: 3-Dec-2024 4:00 AM EST
A keener eye for the invisible
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

From smart textiles to self-driving cars: Empa researchers are developing new types of detectors for infrared radiation that are more sustainable, flexible and cost-effective than conventional technologies. The key to success is not (only) the composition of the material, but also its size.

Newswise: Refining Hardwood by Bioluminescence
Released: 28-Nov-2024 2:55 AM EST
Refining Hardwood by Bioluminescence
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Since more and more deciduous trees are being planted in Swiss forests, whose wood is often burned directly, innovative ideas for a cascade use are in high demand in order to utilize Swiss hardwood more sustainably. Empa researchers are therefore equipping wood with new functionalities. Their latest coup: wood that can glow in the dark.

Newswise: A New Home for Sustainability Robotics
Released: 20-Nov-2024 3:15 AM EST
A New Home for Sustainability Robotics
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Flying robots capable of inspecting and repairing building envelopes, interacting with natural ecosystems, and monitoring climate change and biodiversity are being developed and tested at the DroneHub at Empa's NEST.

Newswise: Sensitive Ceramics for Soft Robotics
Released: 13-Nov-2024 9:25 AM EST
Sensitive Ceramics for Soft Robotics
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Robots that can sense touch and perceive temperature differences? An unexpected material might just make this a reality. At Empa's Laboratory for High-Performance Ceramics, researchers are developing soft and intelligent sensor materials based on ceramic particles.

Newswise: Sensor Protects Against Life-Threatening Complications of Abdominal Surgery
Released: 4-Nov-2024 2:45 AM EST
Sensor Protects Against Life-Threatening Complications of Abdominal Surgery
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

The Empa Innovation Award recognizes outstanding projects that bridge the gap between the laboratory and industry. This year, a team of researchers from Empa and ETH Zurich is being honored for an innovative sensor system: SensAL warns quickly and precisely of life-threatening complications after abdominal surgery.

Newswise: Fundamental Quantum Model Recreated From Nanographenes
Released: 31-Oct-2024 2:00 AM EDT
Fundamental Quantum Model Recreated From Nanographenes
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Quantum technologies promise breakthroughs in communication, computing, sensors and much more. However, quantum states are fragile, and their effects are difficult to grasp, making research into real-world applications challenging. Empa researchers and their partners have now achieved a breakthrough: Using a kind of “quantum Lego”, they have been able to accurately realize a well-known theoretical quantum physics model in a synthetic material.

Newswise:  Superspreader Fibrils Caught in the Act
Released: 28-Oct-2024 2:25 AM EDT
Superspreader Fibrils Caught in the Act
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

In dementia diseases such as Alzheimer's, incorrectly folded proteins accumulate in the brain. Empa researchers have now resolved a particularly active species of protein fibrils with unprecedented precision. The formation of potentially toxic molecules on the surface of protein fibrils was studied from early to late stages spanning over a period of hours.

Newswise: The Fireproof Battery
Released: 24-Oct-2024 4:15 AM EDT
The Fireproof Battery
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Originally developed for electric cars, nowadays they supply mobile phone antennas with electricity, and tomorrow perhaps entire districts: The salt battery is a safe and long-lasting battery technology with huge potential. Empa researchers are collaborating with an industrial partner to further develop these special batteries.
