
Latest News from: New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

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Newswise: iStock-1491434863_edit.jpg?itok=KIYhShCH
Release date: 6-Mar-2025 12:00 PM EST
NJIT Mathematician to Help Map Earth's Last Frontier with Navy Grant
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

We’ve mapped nearly all of Mars’ surface from orbit, yet we know less about Earth’s ocean floor — almost 75% remains unmapped in high resolution. This terrestrial blind spot is driv...


Newswise: 20221202-XiaonanTai-28-Edit_0.jpg?itok=5D3MTGHz
Released: 28-Feb-2025 5:25 PM EST
NJIT Biologist Wins NSF CAREER Award to Explore Hidden Hydrological Factor to Forest Resilience
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

New Jersey Institute of Technology biologist Xiaonan Tai has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to investigate how landscape positions determine forest fate during extreme heat and drought.

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Release date: 20-Feb-2025 12:00 PM EST
Two NJIT Faculty Elected as National Academy of Inventors Senior Members
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

New Jersey Institute of Technology Professors Vivek Kumar and Xuan Liu have been named as Senior Members in the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) 2025 class. They join 162 emerging academic inventor...


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Released: 20-Feb-2025 9:20 AM EST
Tech Can Help People Living with Dementia to Help Themselves, NJIT Expert Says
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

People with mild dementia might live more independently if assistive technology could evolve in parallel with their progressing conditions, according to new research from Alisha Pradhan, assistant professor of informatics at New Jersey Institute of Technology.

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Released: 13-Feb-2025 9:00 PM EST
NJIT Maintains Highest Research Classification, Renews its R1 Status from Carnegie
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) has once again earned the prestigious R1 designation from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, reaffirming its standing as a top-tier doctoral university with very high research activity.

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Released: 6-Feb-2025 7:30 PM EST
NJIT Engineer Tara Alvarez Wins First Place in an International Patent Competition
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Tara Alvarez, a distinguished professor of biomedical engineering at NJIT, won first place in the inaugural Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU) / National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Internationa...

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Released: 6-Feb-2025 7:25 PM EST
Most Facebook News Links Are Unread by Users Sharing Them, Study Finds
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

What are the odds Facebook users read the news articles they end up sharing with the rest of the world?

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Released: 6-Feb-2025 10:20 AM EST
Collaboration Between NJIT, Rutgers, Temple Adds Security to AI Education
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

In modern software, the train of security vulnerabilities is headed full-steam at the artificial intelligence track, while experts from NJIT, Rutgers University and Temple University are developing new educational materials intended to prevent a collision.

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Released: 6-Feb-2025 7:25 AM EST
NJIT Physicist Dale Gary Named American Astronomical Society Fellow
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) has named Dale Gary, distinguished professor of physics at NJIT’s Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research (CSTR), one of 24 new AAS Fellows for 2025.

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Released: 19-Dec-2024 7:20 PM EST
A Pioneer in Brain Imaging Wins NJIT's 2024 Excellence in Research Award
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Bharat Biswal, a pioneer in the field of neural imaging who developed a technique that sheds new light on brain-related diseases and injuries, is this year’s winner of NJIT’s Excellence in Research award.

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Released: 19-Dec-2024 7:05 PM EST
Top-Ranked University's Research Facilities Set to Nest at New Jersey Life Sciences Campus
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

The Northeast Science and Technology (NEST) Center today announced New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) as its first academic partner at the campus, marking a significant milestone in the creation of a life science, technology, and pharmaceutical research hub.

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Released: 19-Dec-2024 7:00 PM EST
Brian Kiernan Named 2024 Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Brian Kiernan ’70, a visionary in wireless communication technology and a proud alumnus of Newark College of Engineering at NJIT, has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). ...

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Released: 27-Nov-2024 12:00 PM EST
Market Study Sheds Light on How Inclusive Shopping Experiences Make All Consumers Feel Valued
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Jorge Fresneda, associate professor at the Martin Tuchman School of Management at NJIT, has developed the Consumer Normalcy Scale (CNS), an innovative tool designed to assess how inclusive and dignified shopping experiences are for people from diverse backgrounds and with various characteristics.

Newswise: 20241114-STEMForum-464_LeadEdit.jpg?itok=Ai3fb27z
Released: 27-Nov-2024 12:00 PM EST
NJIT STEM Forum Explores AI, Digital Transformation in Schools
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

With artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT rapidly gaining traction among students and teachers alike, it’s no surprise the topic took center focus at NJIT’s 8th Annual STEM Forum for School ...

Newswise: 20231205-JulissaSantiago-10-Edit.jpg?itok=O4gvAb9w
Released: 22-Nov-2024 12:00 PM EST
Mending the Mind After a Spinal Cord Injury
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

A quadriplegic for the past 11 years, Julissa Santiago is the master of her own comfort. With the precision of a polite drill sergeant, she delivers instructions at bedtime for a series of minute body...

Newswise: NJIT Biologist Among $10M XPRIZE Competition Winners for Rainforest Biodiversity Sampling Tech
Released: 22-Nov-2024 10:35 AM EST
NJIT Biologist Among $10M XPRIZE Competition Winners for Rainforest Biodiversity Sampling Tech
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

NJIT's Eric Fortune and team “Limelight Rainforest” are grand prize winners of the global XPRIZE Rainforest Competition with their drone-delivered Limelight device, capable of identifying thousands of rainforest species in mere hours.

Released: 22-Nov-2024 10:00 AM EST
NJIT Computing Researchers Fix Critical Mistakes in Medical Mobile Apps
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Potentially deadly mathematical errors are prevalent among mobile applications used in clinical and emergency room settings, but a team of researchers at New Jersey Institute of Technology's Ying Wu C...

Released: 10-Oct-2024 9:05 AM EDT
NJIT Researchers Awarded NSF Grant to Develop AI-Powered Solar Eruption Forecasting System
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

New Jersey Institute of Technology researchers harness artificial intelligence for unprecedented insights into conditions in the Sun’s lower atmosphere driving some of the solar system’s most powerful explosions, capable of disrupting critical infrastructure on Earth.

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Released: 21-Aug-2024 12:05 PM EDT
NJIT Biologist Awarded $680,000 Federal Grant to Save North-Atlantic Right Whale
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Brooke Flammang, a biologist at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), has been awarded nearly $680,000 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as part of a growing nationwide effort to save the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis).

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Released: 11-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
AI, Relying on Hardware Support, Could Improve by Thinking for Itself
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

People keep finding novel uses for generative artificial intelligence, the latest being that it can learn to design specialized hardware to make itself work faster.
