
Latest News from: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

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Released: 11-Mar-2025 8:15 PM EDT
Discovery of Mosquito Molecular Mechanism Opens Door to New Antimalaria Strategies
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A molecular quality-control system in Anopheles mosquitoesā€”the species responsible for most of the worldā€™s malaria casesā€”is a promising target for future malaria-control strategies, according to a study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Released: 27-Feb-2025 9:15 AM EST
Patients With Depression From Wealthier Areas More Likely to Use Telehealth for Mental Health Care
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that mental health visits for patients with depression from high-wealth neighborhoods in Maryland were significantly more likely to happen via telehealth compared to patients with depression from low-wealth neighborhoods in Maryland from mid-2021 through mid-2024.

Released: 20-Feb-2025 9:00 AM EST
Small Amounts of Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity Are Associated with Big Reductions in Dementia Risk
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A little movement could help prevent dementia, even for frail older adults, suggests a new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Released: 18-Feb-2025 8:45 AM EST
Report Recommends States Adopt Firearm Purchaser Licensing Laws That Include Five Core Components
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A new report released by the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions recommends that more states adopt comprehensive firearm purchaser licensing laws based on years of evidence that these laws are effective in reducing gun violence.

Released: 13-Feb-2025 9:00 PM EST
Two New Studies Provide Broadest Evidence to Date of Unequal Impacts of Abortion Bans
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

In two new papers, researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and colleagues estimate that abortion bans in 14 states resulted in 22,180 additional live births and 478 additional infant deaths above what would have been expected in the absence of these bans.

Released: 4-Feb-2025 10:30 AM EST
Number of Family Caregivers Supporting Older Adults Increased Nearly One-Third Between 2011 and 2022
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

The number of family caregivers supporting older adults living in home and residential-care settings increased 32%, from 18.2 million to 24.1 million, between 2011 and 2022, according to a new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the University of Michiganā€™s Institute for Social Research.

Released: 13-Jan-2025 9:15 AM EST
Johns Hopkins Makes It Easy and Free to Know Your Hearing Numbers With New Hearing Test App
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has released an app that makes it free, fast, and easy to test one's hearing in each ear. The app is part of a public health campaign to raise awareness about the importance of monitoring, protecting, and optimizing hearing at all ages.

Released: 9-Jan-2025 9:35 PM EST
Pulse Oximeters Infrequently Tested by Manufacturers on Diverse Sets of Subjects
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Manufacturers increasingly but still infrequently follow Food and Drug Administration guidance that recommends testing pulse oximeters on participants with a range of skin pigmentations, according to a new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Released: 10-Dec-2024 11:10 AM EST
Ultraprocessed Foods Account for More than Half of Calories Consumed at Home
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A new analysis led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that more than half of calories consumed at home by adults in the U.S. come from ultraprocessed foods.

Released: 4-Dec-2024 2:10 PM EST
Natural ā€˜Biopesticideā€™ Against Malaria Mosquitoes Successful in Early Field Tests
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

An experimental bacteria-derived biopesticide is highly effective in killing malaria-carrying mosquitoes, including those that have developed resistance to chemical pesticides, according to initial field tests led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Released: 3-Dec-2024 1:35 PM EST
Lifesaving Suicide Prevention Resources Available for More Native American Communities
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Today the Bloomberg American Health Initiative announces new resources that build on the successful Celebrating Life Suicide Prevention Program of the White Mountain Apache Tribe in Arizona. The program, established 20 years ago, addresses alarming rates of suicide in the community with community-based surveillance and case management support.

Released: 3-Dec-2024 10:30 AM EST
Researchers Introduce ā€˜Hopkins Judicial Health Notesā€™ to Evaluate Court Casesā€™ Impact on Public Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health today launched Hopkins Judicial Health Notes, a new tool that evaluates the health implications of critical court cases. The notes draw on public health expertise and evidence to provide insights into the health and equity considerations of court decisions at various levels.

