
Latest News from: Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

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Newswise: HHMI Names 25 New Hanna Gray Fellows
Released: 8-Jan-2025 9:25 AM EST
HHMI Names 25 New Hanna Gray Fellows
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Today, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute announced the selection of the newest Hanna Gray Fellows, a cohort of 25 outstanding early career scientists who have demonstrated a commitment to making foundational discoveries while building an inclusive culture in academic science.The Institute will invest up to $1.5 million in support for each fellow over the course of up to eight years, spanning postdoctoral training through transition to starting their independent lab as a faculty member.

Newswise: two-cancer-driving-genes_1920x1080.jpg
Released: 15-Nov-2024 4:15 PM EST
How ecDNA Fuels Cancer by Breaking the Laws of Biology
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

How ecDNA Fuels Cancer by Breaking the Laws of Biology

Newswise: HHMI Investigator David Baker Awarded 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Released: 9-Oct-2024 10:25 AM EDT
HHMI Investigator David Baker Awarded 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Computational protein design and protein structure prediction have earned three scientists the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. David Baker, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigator at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper of Google DeepMind were announced as this year’s recipients by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences today.

Released: 5-Oct-2022 2:05 PM EDT
HHMI Investigator Carolyn Bertozzi Awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced today that HHMI Investigator Carolyn Bertozzi of Stanford University, Morten Meldal of University of Copenhagen, and K. Barry Sharpless of Scripps Research Institute are the recipients of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry.

Released: 7-Sep-2022 2:05 PM EDT
How Fat Signals Us to Eat More of It
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Scientists discover how fat triggers a gut-to-brain mechanism that drives us to keep consuming more of it. Their findings could one day lead to interventions to help treat obesity and associated disorders.

Released: 2-Sep-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Ancient DNA Offers New Insights into the Origins and Spread of Languages and Populations Across the Southern Arc
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Analyzing DNA from the remains of hundreds of ancient humans across West Asia, the Balkans, Greece, present-day Turkey, and other regions, scientists have revealed surprising migrations that illuminate human history and led to the languages billions of people speak today.

Released: 1-Sep-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Blanton Tolbert Named HHMI’s Inaugural Vice President of Science Leadership and Culture
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Blanton Tolbert, a biochemist and administrative leader of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at Case Western Reserve University, will serve as an HHMI vice president and head of the Institute’s new Center for Science Leadership and Culture.

Newswise: New HHMI Program Pledges $1.5 Billion for Outstanding Early Career Faculty Committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Released: 26-May-2022 6:00 AM EDT
New HHMI Program Pledges $1.5 Billion for Outstanding Early Career Faculty Committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

The Freeman Hrabowski Scholars Program will support up to 150 early career scientists for their research and their efforts to create labs in which everyone can thrive. Applications to the program are open now.

Newswise: After More than 20 Years, Scientists Have Solved the Full-Length Structure of a Janus Kinase
8-Mar-2022 2:25 PM EST
After More than 20 Years, Scientists Have Solved the Full-Length Structure of a Janus Kinase
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

More than two decades of effort went into a project that has now revealed the structure of a crucial signaling molecule, opening the door to new and better drugs for some cancers.

Newswise: When Ribosomes Collide: How Bacteria Clean Up After Molecular Crashes
4-Mar-2022 3:55 PM EST
When Ribosomes Collide: How Bacteria Clean Up After Molecular Crashes
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Tiny cellular machines called ribosomes build proteins. When this building process goes awry in bacteria, ribosomes collide, triggering the arrival of a first responder molecule that begins a rescue operation.

18-Feb-2022 12:55 PM EST
How Some Gut Microbes Awaken Zombie Viruses in Their Neighbors
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Gut bacteria brew all sorts of chemicals, but we don’t know what most of them do. A new study suggests that one such compound, previously linked to cancer, may serve as a bizarre weapon in microbial skirmishes.

Newswise: These Scientists Are Racing to Beat Omicron
Released: 21-Jan-2022 1:05 PM EST
These Scientists Are Racing to Beat Omicron
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

As teams of researchers around the world race to piece together a picture of the Omicron variant, they’re fast-tracking discoveries and transforming the way science is done.

21-Sep-2021 2:35 PM EDT
HHMI Invests $300 Million in 33 New Investigators
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

The scientists come from 21 US institutions and will join a community of Investigators who are tackling some of the most challenging problems in biomedical research.

17-Jun-2021 2:00 PM EDT
Leopard Gecko Skin Tumors Traced to Cancer Gene
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

In a rare gecko color variety known as Lemon Frost, scientists have traced an unusual coloring and tendency to form tumors to a gene linked to human melanoma.

24-Feb-2021 10:20 AM EST
Here’s How Insects Coax Plants into Making Galls
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Scientists have identified proteins in aphid saliva that can alter plant development. These proteins drive abnormal growths called galls, which give insects a protected place to feed and reproduce.

16-Feb-2021 11:30 AM EST
HHMI Commits $30 Million to Increase Diversity in Science with 21 Hanna Gray Fellows
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

HHMI announces the selection of 21 exceptional early career scientists as 2020 Hanna Gray Fellows to support diversity in biomedical research. The 2022 Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program competition will open later this year.

20-Nov-2020 10:15 AM EST
Recording the Symphony of Cellular Signals That Drive Biology
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Like a computer, cells must process information from the outside world before they respond. Scientists have now developed a powerful new way to observe the internal discussions responsible for cellular decisions.

Released: 11-Nov-2020 4:10 PM EST
COVID-19 Immunity May Last Six Months or More
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

People who have recovered from coronavirus can make potent antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 that evolve in the months after infection. These antibodies may be evolving in response to residual viral antigen hidden in the gut.

Released: 12-Oct-2020 3:30 PM EDT
Jennifer Doudna Awarded 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced today that Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigator Jennifer Doudna of University of California, Berkeley, and Emmanuelle Charpentier of the Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens are the recipients of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of a method for genome editing.

Released: 24-Sep-2020 3:25 PM EDT
Some Severe COVID-19 Cases Linked to Genetic Mutations or Antibodies that Attack the Body
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Two new studies offer an explanation for why COVID-19 cases can be so variable. A subset of patients has mutations in key immunity genes; other patients have auto-antibodies that target the same components of the immune system. Both circumstances could contribute to severe forms of the disease.
