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Released: 22-Aug-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Why has Polio returned to the U.S.? Author of “Constructing the Outbreak: Epidemics in Media and Collective Memory” Katherine Foss explains.
Middle Tennessee State University

“For too long, we've falsely assumed that polio has been eradicated in the U.S.,” says Katherine Foss, a professor and associate director of the School of Journalism & Strategic Media at Middle Tennessee State University. However, no cases doesn’t mean the virus has been eradicated, especially with polio still existing in the world.

Released: 22-Feb-2017 1:05 PM EST
MTSU on the Record’ Examines U.S.-Russia Relations in Trump Era
Middle Tennessee State University

With questions continuing to swirl around President Donald Trump’s attitude toward Russian President Vladimir Putin, the future of U.S.-Russia relations in the Trump administration is the focus of the next “MTSU On the Record” radio program.

Released: 16-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
MTSU Experts Weigh in on Election, Obama Legacy
Middle Tennessee State University

MTSU faculty experts recently expressed themselves for national media outlets on several hot button topics, including various election-related issues and Russian perspectives on American politics.

Released: 21-Aug-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Green Economy Can Aid Environment, Reduce Poverty, Researcher Says
Middle Tennessee State University

One MTSU political science professor says investing in a green economy will create jobs and a healthier environment, according to his research.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Comparing New President Barack Obama to FDR: Is it Fair?
Middle Tennessee State University

The Nov. 24, 2008, edition of TIME Magazine featured President-elect Barack Obama's face juxtaposed on Franklin D. Roosevelt's body, complete with confident beaming smile and cigarette holder. With experts describing the current national economy as the worst economic climate since the Great Depression, how valid are comparisons to the challenges faced by FDR then and the challenges facing Obama now? One MTSU professor says comparisons are not only tempting, but even somewhat warranted.

Released: 22-Dec-2008 12:00 AM EST
Scientists/Professors Create Multidisciplinary Approach to Environmental Education
Middle Tennessee State University

Environmental research at colleges and universities isn't just scientific anymore. Increasingly, scientists are taking an approach to their work that includes more than laboratory analysis. That is the concept behind CLEAR, or Collaborative Education and Research, the brainchild of three professors at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Open Government Requires Participation, Says First Amendment Scholar
Middle Tennessee State University

Although U.S. citizens can't vote on each individual issue or dilemma facing this nation, that's no excuse for Americans to refrain from participating in their own governance, declares Dr. Larry Burris, a First Amendment scholar and journalism professor, who adds that "the public's business should be conducted in public; not in smoke-filled rooms, restaurants or sports facilities."

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Shield Laws Crucial to Free, Effective Press, Says Media Scholar
Middle Tennessee State University

Members of the House of Representatives recently passed legislation giving reporters the right to protect confidential sources in most federal cases, but the shield-law legislation's future is unsure and President Bush says he'll veto it. One First Amendment scholar says the legislation is more about the public's right to know than the reporter's right to protection.
