Newswise — The University of Delaware boasts several experts who can comment on health-related topics such as injuries and training and business-focused areas like marketing and team behavior as they relate to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.


Tom Kaminski
Professor, kinesiology and applied physiology
Relevant expertise: Can comment on the impact of heading in Olympic soccer and has studied the risks of concussions in sports for nearly three decades.

Tom Buckley
Associate professor, kinesiology and applied physiology
Relevant expertise: Head impacts from boxing. 

Stephanie Cone
Assistant professor, biomedical engineering
Relevant expertise: Studies the structure-function relationship that exists in tendons and ligaments with a special interest in changes in this relationship during growth and following injury.

Donald Ford
Physical therapy
Relevant expertise: Shoulder injuries/rehab expert 

Karin Silbernagel
Professor, physical therapy
Relevant expertise: Research aims to advance the understanding of tendon and ligament injuries and repair. Can also discuss sailing.


Matt Robinson
Professor, sport management
Relevant expertise: Will be in Paris and can discuss the Olympics from an onsite perspective; can give the backstory on The International Coaching Enrichment Certificate Program (ICECP) and what’s new in the Paris Olympics. 

Tim DeSchriver
Associate professor, sport management
Relevant expertise: Sport finance, economics and marketing

John Allgood II
Instructor, sport management
Relevant expertise: Sport business management, event management 


Joshua Cashaback
Assistant professor, biomedical engineering
Relevant expertise: Specializes in neuromechanics and control of human movement. His research falls under two major themes: The neuroplasticity and adaptation research line tests how reinforcement feedback can subserve our ability to acquire new motor skills.

George Edelman
Adjunct professor, physical therapy
Relevant expertise: How the "underwaters” technique gives Olympians an edge.

Jocelyn Hafer
Assistant professor, kinesiology and applied physiology
Relevant expertise: Race Walk events and how biomarkers are used in walking studies.