Newswise — Princeton, NJ—June 5, 2017—The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research () recently concluded its in Boston, MA, USA. The conference attracted 4,195 delegates representing 76 countries—the largest attendance to date for the Society’s Annual International Meeting. The conference drew stakeholders from all sectors of health care, including researchers and academics, public and private payers, health ministries and government offices, health technology assessment bodies, and patients and patient representatives. 

Conference sessions focused on the theme, Evidence and Value in a Time of Social and Policy Change, and included a wide variety of compelling topics in health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), including health policy in decision making, real-world evidence, value assessment frameworks, rare diseases, medication adherence, and more. 

Three topical plenary sessions were featured at the conference. The first plenary, , highlighted the views of four leading health economists in the United States (two who have advised Democrats and two who have counseled Republicans) on where US health policy is headed with the recent changes in the political landscape. The innovative research of Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, exploring the impact social networks have on the behavior and overall health of people around you was featured at the second plenary session entitled, . The third plenary, , explored how big data is changing the strength of evidence in observational studies. 

Conference sessions also focused on timely issues in health care, including , , , , , , , , , and . Several seminal summits were held at the ISPOR International Meeting, including an and a multistakeholder .   

ISPOR CEO Nancy Berg stated, “This year’s ISPOR 22nd Annual International Meeting convened key stakeholders and thought leaders from every sector of health care to discuss today’s critically important issues in health care. The scientific program focused on bringing evidence and value to health care decision making during a time when the health care systems of many countries are undergoing significant social and policy changes. ISPOR’s mission—to advance health economics and outcomes research excellence—was woven through every aspect of this conference, and ISPOR stands ready to serve as a resource to help inform policy and improve health care decision making for global health care systems.”

ISPOR recognizes the support of its meeting , , and who helped make the 22nd Annual International Meeting possible. Additional information on the ISPOR 22nd Annual International Meeting can be found . Released presentations from the conference can be found . Interested parties can follow news at ISPOR’s and on social media using the conference hashtag .



The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research () is a nonprofit, international, educational and scientific organization that promotes health economics and outcomes research excellence to improve decision making for health globally.
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