Newswise — ROSEMONT, Ill. (November 20, 2024)—When your muscle screams or a joint rebels, should you reach for the heating pad or grab the ice pack? Many people still grapple with this fundamental choice for managing musculoskeletal pain or injuries when they occur.  

Experts at the AAOS offer the following roundup to better understand the . 

ICE – Use for acute injuries, inflammation, and swelling 


  • Start ice therapy as soon as possible after an injury. 
  • Apply for no more than 20 minutes at a time, several times daily. 
  • Do not apply ice directly to your skin. Use a towel, bag, or ice pack. 
  • Don’t use ice if you have poor circulation, or for stiff muscles or joints. 

HEAT – Use for muscle pain or stiffness 


  • Aim for warm temperatures, not hot temperatures, to avoid burns. 
  • More severe pain may benefit from longer-duration heat therapy. 
  • Do not apply to areas that are swollen, bruised, or have an open wound. 
  • Do not use if you have a health condition that affects your sensitivity to temperatures. 

The bottom line: Both ice and heat are an option. Patients are reminded that if they’ve tried a heating pad and ice packs but are still in pain, or if they have noticed numbness or weakness in the affected area, they should contact their doctor.  

To speak with a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon about the benefits of hot and cold therapies, email [email protected]. For more bone and joint injury-prevention strategies, visit  

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