The United Nations climate talks underway Dec. 1 through 14 in Lima, Peru, are the world's last chance to get issues on the table before an international climate agreement is signed in Paris in 2015. Virtually every country in the world will be represented at the negotiations, along with stakeholders from businesses, organizations and the private sector worldwide.

Sonja Klinsky, a senior sustainability scientist at ASU and assistant professor at the School of Sustainability, is an expert on global climate change policy in the areas of justice and equity. Her research focuses on the process of developing a global agreement on climate change that is fair to all countries.

Klinsky will participate in the COP 20 conference, and is available to answer media questions.

Some of her talking points are:

  • The history of these negotiations, from the Kyoto Protocol to Paris 2015. Where did we start from, and how did we get here?
  • The current issues on the table at Lima. What are the issues, and what are the implications for global justice and equity among nations?
  • What can an international agreement accomplish? And what cannot be accomplished?

Please let me know if you'd like to speak with Dr. Klinsky and I'd be happy to check her availability for you.

Thank you.

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