Newswise — ROCKVILLE, MD — September 4, 2024 — The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States, is accepting nominations for its 2025 Excellence in Science Awards. For more than 30 years, FASEB Excellence in Science Awards have honored recipients’ excellence and innovation in their research fields, as well as their exemplary leadership and mentorship (view past recipients). The prestigious awards recognize achievements by women scientists at three distinct career stages:

  • Lifetime Achievement (established investigators with distinguished careers)
    • Contributes to the scientific community (e.g., leadership roles, university service, public outreach)
    • Training and impact on students and postdoctoral fellows
    • Scientific achievements (e.g., landmark discoveries, high-impact publications)
  • Mid-Career Investigator (for those within 7 to 15 years of first independent scientist position)
    • Impacts career development (e.g., mentorship, teaching)
    • Participates in university service, professional organizations, or community outreach
    • Scientific achievements (e.g., landmark discoveries, high-impact publications, scientific leadership)
  • Early-Career Investigator (for those within 7 years of first independent scientist position)
    • Notable scientific achievements
    • Develops unique research/education tools or programs
    • Shows leadership in interdisciplinary research/education

Women scientists who are current members of a FASEB Full Member Society are eligible for nomination. The award is presented with a cash prize and funds to present a lecture at a meeting of a FASEB member society of their choice. Nominators must also be a current member of a FASEB Full Member Society.

Nominations are due December 3, 2024.

FASEB is dedicated to increasing diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusivity within the life sciences. As part of this effort, we highly encourage nominations for individuals from historically underrepresented groups within the life sciences community.

For more information on eligibility, submission requirements, and nomination procedures, click here.



About FASEB  
FASEB is comprised of 22 scientific member societies with 110,000 members, making it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States. FASEB’s mission is to advance health and well-being by promoting research and education in biological and biomedical sciences through collaborative advocacy and service to member societies and their members. Visit for more information. 

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