Newswise — LEXINGTON, Ky. (July 18, 2016) — Natural disasters, terrorist attacks and disease outbreaks are plausible health security threats to U.S. communities. Because these events are by nature difficult to predict, preparedness in both government and the private sector is the primary defense against any disaster.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) formulated the National Health Security Preparedness Index as a tool for measuring the U.S. government’s capability to respond to disasters. The scores for security this year indicate overall improvements in emergency and disaster preparedness but also large disparities in preparedness across states and regions.

Glen Mays, the F. Douglas Scutchfield Endowed Professor in Health Services and Systems Research at the University of Kentucky College of Public Health, can comment on the implications of the security index scores. Mays recently published articles in and describing the state of health security related to the index. He is available to comment on the state of health security in America, potential weaknesses and opportunities for entities to collaborate on health security measures.

All interview requests should be directed to Elizabeth Adams at [email protected].