Newswise — Donald Trump's presidential campaign has claimed it was the target of a foreign hack after receiving inquiries from news outlets about a leaked vetting document on Vice Presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance. 

The campaign suspects Iranian involvement, aligning with a recent Microsoft report on attempted email hacks by Iranian hackers. The leaked document, labeled "privileged & confidential," was reportedly commissioned by the Trump campaign to assess Vance's potential vulnerabilities. The campaign has not disclosed evidence of Iran's involvement but warned that the hack aims to disrupt the 2024 election.

Faculty experts at the George Washington University are available to provide context, commentary and analysis on this matter. If you would like to speak to an expert, please contact the GW Media Relations Team at [email protected].

Cyber Security & Cybercrime

Scott J. White is an associate professor and director of the GW Cybersecurity Program and Cyber Academy. He holds a Queen’s Commission and was an Officer with the Canadian Forces Intelligence Command. White was also an Officer with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. In 2010, White joined MONAD Security Audit Systems as an Associate Consultant. Dr. White has consulted with a variety of law enforcement agencies in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. White’s expertise includes cybersecurity, cybercrime, counter-terrorism and infrastructure protection.

Foreign Relations - Iran

Sina Azodi is a Visiting Scholar & Lecturer of International Affairs at the George Washington University, where he teaches a graduate course on Iran’s foreign policy in the Middle East. His research interests include international security, nuclear nonproliferation, and U.S.-Iranian relations. Azodi's current research involves exploring the roots of the Iranian nuclear program and his dissertation, "Continuity and Change in Iranian Nuclear Program," critically investigates the Iranian nuclear program since its inception in the 1950s until 2003.

Political Implications

Peter Loge is the director of GW’s School of Media and Public Affairs. He has nearly 30 years of experience in politics and communications, having served as a deputy to the chief of staff for Sen. Edward Kennedy during the 1995 shutdown, a VP at the US Institute of Peace in 2013, and held senior positions for three members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Loge currently leads the Project on Ethics in Political Communication at the School of Media and Public Affairs and continues to advise advocates and organizations. 

Casey Burgat is the director of the Legislative Affairs program at the Graduate School of Political Management and host of its Mastering the Room podcast. Prior to joining GSPM, Burgat was a Senior Governance Fellow at the R Street Institute where his research focused on issues of congressional capacity and reform. Burgat co-authored Congress Explained: Representation and Lawmaking in the First Branch, a textbook on all things Congress.

Todd Belt is the director of the Political Management Program at the GW Graduate School of Political Management. Belt is an expert on the presidency, campaigns and elections, mass media and politics, public opinion, and political humor. In addition to his expertise, Belt is co-author of four books and helps to run GW’s political poll, which recently shared new findings
