Defense Secretary Mattis has acknowledged that the U.S. military views climate change as an emerging national security challenge. Nadya Bliss, an energy security expert who recently discussed this topic at the Sasakawa USA Emerging Experts Delegation in Tokyo, is available to comment about the DoD’s activities to prepare for and adapt to climate change and the challenges it presents to military operations, planning, and strategic posture. Some of the topics Bliss can address: -What does it mean to view climate change as a national security threat? -How can climate change impact stability in areas where U.S. troops are operating? -Could the proposed increase in defense spending provide for diminishing armed force dependence on fossil fuels? Dr. Nadya T. Bliss is the Director of the Global Security Initiative (GSI) at Arizona State University. GSI serves as the university-wide hub focusing on addressing emerging global challenges, with a focus on borderless threats characterized by complex interdependencies and often presenting conflicting objectives (“wicked” problems) requiring multi-disciplinary research and cross-mission collaboration between the defense, development, and diplomacy communities. Please contact Nadya Bliss directly at [email protected].

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