Watch video from Editor-in-Chief Susan Galandiuk, MD, describing her editor picks. See other video summary content. (Resumen de la edicion por Yesenia Rojas-Khalil, MD)


Newswise February Ed Picks in Spanish from on .


Fully Robotic Resection of a Splenic Flexure Tumor with Intracorporeal Anastomosis

Quezada-Diaz, Felipe, M.D.; Jimenez-Rodriguez, Rosa M., M.D., Ph.D.; Rawdon, Kelly, B.S.; Garcia-Aguilar, Julio, M.D., Ph.D.

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001164


Should They Stay or Should They Go? The Utility of C-Reactive Proteinin Predicting Readmission and Anastomotic Leak After Colorectal Resection

Pantel, Haddon J., M.D.1; Jasak, Lisa J., R.N, B.S.N.1; Ricciardi, Rocco, M.D., M.P.H.2,3; Marcello, Peter W., M.D.2; Roberts, Patricia L., M.D.2; Schoetz, David J. Jr., M.D.2; Read, Thomas E., M.D.2


Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001225

Original Contributions: Socioeconomic

BACKGROUND: Hospital readmission and anastomotic leak following colorectal resection have a negative impact on patients, surgeons, and the health care system. Novel markers of patients unlikely to experience these complications are of value in avoiding readmission.


Partial Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy Versus Circumferential Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy for Grade III to IV Prolapsing Hemorrhoids

A Randomized, Noninferiority Trial

Lin, Hong-Cheng, M.D.1–,3; He, Qiu-Lan, M.D.4; Shao, Wan-Jin, M.D.5; Chen, Xin-Lin, M.D.6; Peng, Hui, M.D.1–,3; Xie, Shang-Kui, M.D.1–,3; Wang, Xiao-Xue, M.D.1–,3; Ren, Dong-Lin, M.D.1–,3

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001261

Original Contributions: Anorectal

BACKGROUND: Long-term outcomes and efficacy of partial stapled hemorrhoidopexy are not known.


Is Conversion of a Failed IPAA to a Continent Ileostomy a Risk Factor for Long-term Failure?

Aytac, Erman, M.D.1,2; Dietz, David W., M.D.1,3; Ashburn, Jean, M.D.1,4; Remzi, Feza H., M.D.1,5

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001277

Original Contributions: Inflammatory Bowel Disease 

BACKGROUND: continent ileostomy may be offered to patients in hopes of avoiding permanent ileostomy. Data on the outcomes of continent ileostomy patients with a history of a failed IPAA are limited.



Assessing the Value of Endoscopy Simulator Modules Designed to Prepare Residents for the Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery Examination

Byrne, Raphael M., M.D.1,*; Hoops, Heather E., M.D.1,*; Herzig, Daniel O., M.D.1; Diamond, Sarah J., M.D.2; Lu, Kim C., M.D.1; Brasel, Karen J., M.D., M.P.H.1; Tsikitis, V. Liana, M.D., M.C.R.1


Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001291

Original Contributions: Benign

BACKGROUND: The Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery examination is required for all general surgeryresidents. The test modules are not available for practice before the examination; however, similar modules are commercially available.


Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Laparoscopic Versus Ultrasound-Guided Transversus Abdominis Plane Block in Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgery

Zaghiyan, Karen N., M.D.1; Mendelson, Brian J., M.D.2; Eng, Matthew R., M.D.2; Ovsepyan, Gayane, M.P.H.1; Mirocha, James M., M.S.3; Fleshner, Phillip, M.D.1


Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001292

Original Contributions: Benign

 BACKGROUND: Transversus abdominis plane block may improve analgesia after colorectal surgery; however, techniques remain unstandardized and results are conflicting.


Tumors of the Ischiorectal Fossa

A Single-Institution Experience

Zhu, Katherine J., M.B.B.S., F.R.A.C.S.1; Lee, Peter J., M.B.B.S., M.Sc.(Med.), M.S., F.R.A.C.S1,2; Austin, Kirk K. S., B.Sc., M.B.B.S., B.A.O., A.F.R.C.S.I., F.R.A.C.S.1,2; Solomon, Michael J., M.B.B.C.H. (Hons), B.A.O., M.Sc., D.Med.Sc., D.Med., F.R.C.S.I., F.R.A.C.S., F.A.S.C.R.S.1–4

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001249

Original Contributions: Colorectal Cancer

BACKGROUND: Ischiorectal fossa tumors are rare. 


Familial Associations of Colon and Rectal Cancers With Other Cancers

Yu, Hongyao, Ph.D.1; Hemminki, Akseli, M.D., Ph.D.2,3; Sundquist, Kristina, M.D., Ph.D.4; Hemminki, Kari, M.D., Ph.D.1,4

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001262

Original Contributions: Colorectal Cancer

BACKGROUND: Many studies have indicated that colon and rectal cancers differ in etiology and histology.


Lymphovascular Invasion and Perineural Invasion Negatively Impact Overall Survival for Stage II Adenocarcinoma of the Colon

Skancke, Matthew, M.D.; Arnott, Suzanne M., B.S.; Amdur, Richard L., Ph.D.; Siegel, Robert S., M.D.; Obias, Vincent J., M.D., M.S.; Umapathi, Bindu A., M.D., M.R.C.S.

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001258

Original Contributions: Colorectal Cancer

BACKGROUND: Lymphovascular invasion and perineural invasion are histopathological features associated with higher-risk colon cancer.


Clinical Implications of Pretreatment

Lymphocyte-to-Monocyte Ratio in Patients With Rectal Cancer Receiving Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy

Yamamoto, Akira, M.D.; Toiyama, Yuji, M.D., Ph.D.; Okugawa, Yoshinaga, M.D., Ph.D.; Oki, Satoshi, M.D.; Ide, Shozo, M.D., Ph.D.; Saigusa, Susumu, M.D., Ph.D.; Araki, Toshimitsu, M.D., Ph.D.; Kusunoki, Masato, M.D., Ph.D.

 Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001245

Original Contributions: Colorectal Cancer

 BACKGROUND: Despite advances in local control of rectal cancerrecurrence in distant organs is still one of the main causes of mortality. Prognostic biomarkers would be valuable for the treatment of patients who have rectal cancer.


Magnetic Resonance Texture Analysis in Identifying Complete Pathological Response to Neoadjuvant Treatment in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer

Aker, Medhat, M.B.B.S., M.Ch., M.D.(Res.)1; Ganeshan, Balaji, Ph.D.2; Afaq, Asim, M.B.B.S., F.R.C.R.2; Wan, Simon, M.B.B.S., M.Sc., F.R.C.R.2; Groves, Ashley M., M.B.B.S., M.D.2; Arulampalam, Tan, M.B.B.S., M.D., F.R.C.S.1

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: 

doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001224

Original Contributions: Colorectal Cancer

BACKGROUND: A certain proportion of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer experience complete response after undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. These patients might be suitable for a conservative “watch and wait” approach, avoiding high-morbidity surgery. Texture analysis is a new modality that can assess heterogeneity in medical images by statistically analyzing gray-level intensities on a pixel-by-pixel basis. This study hypothesizes that texture analysis of magnetic resonance images can identify patients with a complete response

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Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: February 2019