The latest disclosure from Wikileaks regarding purported CIA hacking capabilities has raised important questions about the privacy-security debate. Visiting expert, Nadya Bliss will be in Austin, TX for SXSW on March 14th, moderating a panel titled, “Connected Cities, Hackable Streets,” and is available for interview. Some of the topics Bliss can address:

-What sort of security threats and vulnerabilities are brought about by smart devices? -What current and future hacking capabilities do we face? -What can we do to protect ourselves? -How can we strike a balance between the convenience of technology and the protection of privacy? Dr. Nadya T. Bliss is the Director of the Global Security Initiative (GSI) at Arizona State University. GSI serves as the university-wide hub focusing on addressing emerging global challenges, with a focus on borderless threats, characterized by complex interdependencies and often presenting conflicting objectives (“wicked” problems) requiring multi-disciplinary research and cross-mission collaboration between defense, development, and diplomacy communities. Please contact Nadya Bliss directly at [email protected].

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